Missouri University of Science and Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at Missouri University of Science and Technology know before they start?


Choose a college with special empasis on your chosen major, as well as one with a smaller, tighter community. This will give you the most oportunity for education beyond the classroom and the curriculum.


check out professors.


For most parents and students the underlying factor is cost, sadly that should rarely be the case. When applying over several colleges, the area of study you wish to persue should be well known and in competition with other near by colleges. This allows the the students not to be filled into a college just because it is the only one that offers the needed programs and it was affordable. With regards to living life as a college student, one key phrase summons it up: "don't be stuck in the dorm rooms all day, get out and live". You don't want your entire college experience to be remembered as the blank wall opposite your couch.


Make sure that you are happy at the school or you will never make it 4 years. You will know the school you want to go to when you visit for the first time and you are excited. If you aren't excited, it's not for you. Find a place to live that is social enough for you. Don't live in a place that you don't think you will feel comfortable in socially. Keep focused on what you will do when you graduate, but make sure to have fun while you're in school.


Don't let money be the issue for not going to college. There are lots of grants/scholarships and even loans out there to help pay for it. Make sure the college you want to go to has the program you want. Decide which college and what program you want to study while in highschool, don't wait until after you graduate. If you can, try to go for a college that doesn't have a lot of students in each class. You could try a college where the instructor will be able to help you outside of class. See if the college has ways to help you find a job after you graduate. Don't let intelligence be an issue for not going to college. I'm sure there are loads of colleges that will help you with most problems you have in school.


For parents and/or students faced with the decision of picking a school, dont panic and dont settle. Make your decision based on where you see your future going. But you also have to take into consideration location, money, and the best program for your major. Are you the type that gets home sick and want to run home every weekend. If so stay close but not to close. Far enough so that you can focus. Some time the best school isnt the most expernsive. Dont make your decision solely off cost, but dont put you self in a financial strain. Unsubsidized loans are the loans where interest occurs as soon as you money is dispursed and you dont want to be knee deep in debt. Dont pick a school based on the parties. Its ok to have fun at school, but you really need a balance. Cherish college, the real work is harsh.


The advice I would give to parents and prospective students is to choose a school that reflects your own personality, your own ambition, and your choice in carrer. You have to choose very important qualities about the school, such as size, focus on athletics if you are an athlete, availability and ease of living quarters, and the availability of on campus activities. However, whichever school you do end up choosing, it all comes down to finding your niche at that school. Whether that means having a close group of friends from high school joining you there, or joining an athletic team or club or activity that you are interested in, all that matters is to surround yourself with people that all want to achieve what you want to achieve, and allow them to push you to achieve your goals. So long as you can find yourself surrounded by people like that, it will be so much easier to adjust to college life, and you will have a much higher chance for success than if you try to go through it on your own.


find something you want to do, then do it


Meet with your class advisors, and try to get a set path made out early. The sooner you know what it is that you want to major in, the easier it will be to graduate on time. Also, this is a school you want to attend without transferring in. I was a transfer student, and I tend to notice that I appeared to have a rougher time getting used to the campus life as compared to someone who had came straight to Missouri S&T.


The best way to find the right school depends on what the student wants to major in. I want to major in engineering and I knew that so I went to an all engineering school. If you're not certain which major you're going into, but have some ideas choose a school that is strong in at least one of your possible majors, but also has some of the other majors you may end up going into so that you do not need to switch schools in the middle of your college experience. Also, be sure to choose a location that suits you and also go for a college that works for you financially.