Missouri University of Science and Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at Missouri University of Science and Technology know before they start?


I would advise myself to spend my time more wisely. Give up the dedication to sports and focus even more on academics. Learn as if it is key to survival. Do not cram for tests but learn the information with the knowledge that it will be vital to success and well-being. Develop strong relationships with your teachers so that when they need someone to rely on, they have you and when you need someone to rely of for help, you have them. Take advantage of the school counselors and their intelligence on college choices and career choices. Take as many college credit classes as possible so you can enter into college ahead of the others and also spend less money on your education. Do not become apathetic with classes or tests even if you know they do not matter. Always strive to do your best and apply for as many scholarships as possible.


Some of the best advice I could give myself is to practice time management. It's something so simple, but it can be the difference between dirty laundry and clean laundry or an A grade exam and a B grade exam. I had no idea how much time a single subject requires to fully grasp. Another thing I'd like to tell a younger me is to not stress about making friends the first week. Most people are generally friendly, and it's easy to get forced into a group with whom you have a poor connection.


I would advice myself to be very wise and very open minded. Ther is more responsibilities in life than you would think. I would advice myself to stay more focus on my work and being around the right crowd of people. I would advice myself to not fall into peer pressure and not allow negativety to get in my way and hender me from becoming successful. Life is what you make it so make the best of it but do it the right way and become successful.


If I had the chance to go back in time and talk to myself as a senior my biggest advice would have been to go above and beyond. When I say, go above and beyond, I wish I would of taken high school more seriously and completed more classes that would futher me in my college career, even before starting college. I see students walking around campus half way through their degrees because they took the time as high school seniors to take the writing 121 class or buisness 131. I don't regret the decisions I made in high school because I have come out on top, still attending college where most studnets have lost the drive to want to go to school. I would let my past self know not procrastinate when it comes to school work. Getting behind in college is not a good thing and can quickly get anyone into a lot of trouble trying to catch up. Out of everything, I'd tell my past self to enjoy what college has to offer. Don't be so quick to turn down opportunites, they may lead to bigger and better things.


The decision you are making right now will shape the entirety of your life. There is no getting this time back. Make a decision and stick to it. There will be those who question your every move so be confident in every decision you make and cling to them like they were words out of the holy book. Invest your time in everything that progresses you to be the best you absolutely can. If it is not beneficial avoid it at all cost. Laziness is a virus. Very contagious and once you have contracted it is impossible to cure. The destination is not the only goal; the last few steps of a journey are not the hardest or the most important. The steps with the most importance are then ones directly in front of you. Be sure to only look at the past like a rearview mirror. If you focus all your attention on it you will crash but if you never look back life will sneak up on you. Most importantly remember the reasons you make every decision. With every choice comes a consequence and some consequences although necessary are difficult to bare.


Congratulations on surviving to your senior year of high school. I know that being a senior has given you a sudden burst of confidence, mainly because you no longer have to be intimidated by upperclassmen. My advice is to hold on to that confidence. Don’t be ashamed of the fact that you love calculus, embrace it. Also, stay focused on school and don’t stress about other things too much. I know you feel like you have to be a perfect dancer or a perfect flutist. What you will realize as you begin college is that those activities were merely ways for you to express your creative energy. Let’s face it there is no way you could survive the stressful life of a performing artist. You have always excelled in academics and your place in life is a steady career where you can apply all that you have learned. College will get you there. So, don’t be scared of moving so far from home, being at Missouri S&T will only increase your burst of confidence and help you realize that you have the strength to tackle life’s many challenges. Have fun and good luck!


Lori, You are naive and sheltered. Please listen closely. You will have four beautiful children in your lifetime, and you will love them with every ounce of your being. There will be nothing you won't do for them. Please spend the next years studying--you will need money to truly enjoy life, and to give your babies the life and example they deserve. I love you, Longo P.S. You will have 3 girls and 1 boy. Cherish them always.


If i was able to go back in time and tell myself about college i would tell myself to learn time management. When your in high school you have people telling you what to do, bells signal when you shoud leave and go to class, et. In college you don't have that you have to rely on yourself and if you hvae poor time management, its really hard.


Knowing what I know now, I would tell my past self several things. First, as difficult as it may seem, never procrastinate and waste time on any assignment, no matter how trivial. I can't count the amount of times I've seen people fail out because of poor time management. Second, always be sure to get a good amount of sleep each day. Running on five hours every day is a very brutal way to go through college, so planning time effectively can allow for the sleep one needs to function. Third, get to know the people around you. The people you can find here are a greatly diverse bunch, with skillsets as unique as their personalities. Perhaps others have the skills that you lack? In such a case, ask for their help in acquiring such skills for yourself. This way, you can do a bit of learning from places you may never have realised. If I would have known these things coming in to college, I guarantee I would have done quite a bit better.


If I could go back in time, I would advise my high school senior self to enjoy the learning process and all that school has to offer. Learning can be fun if we open our minds and embrace the experience. Enjoy being in school and take advantages of the opportunities it affords you - big-girl life will happen soon enough!