Ask yourself probably the most important question that needs to be answered. What do you truly enjoy and want to do? If the answer is "I don't know", pause and begin to ask others how they discovered what they wanted to do. Think about the things that bring you great joy and focus on those moments. Find the things that hold your interest because you find them fascinating! Now, combine the things that make you happy with the things that you find fascinating and explore them further. If you are going to take the time and put in the effort to go to college, make sure you are studying what makes you happy and also holds your fascination. Remember there are many things that you may not know and may not understand that are going to be important later in life. Most importantly, make sure that you are happy and enjoying what you are doing. Pursue what makes YOU happy, not what someone else thinks will make you happy. If you are happy and fascinated with the work you do for the rest of your life, you will never "work" a day in your life.
If I had the ability to go back and give myself advice, I would tell myself about all of the opportunities and every good thing that I coul possibly think of. I would want to encourage myself to push through all of the hardships because I could explain to myself that it would all be worth it. I would warn myself about upcoming financial issues and that I should expect one of my main scholarships to be underfunded as well as the New Mexico Lottery Scholarship to also be underfunded. But other than that, I believe that I would do most everything else the exact same way. I feel that if I had changed much else, I would not have had the incredible experiences that I have had in college. I would love to relive many of my college experiences and avoid some but I understand that they would go hand-in-hand overall. It takes difficulty and struggle to understand the beauty and worth of other things, my time in college has shown me that I have plenty of obstacles to overcome but also plenty to look forward to. True sagaciousness is not achieved through an easy life.
Take time to enjoy your life. You'll need several years to come to term with going to college. no matter how long it takes for you to go back top school, btw you'll be 28, divorced single mother of 2 moving back in with your parents when you do go back. Don't get discouraged. Keep going untill you earn the degrees your heart desires.
Don't lose yourself. Remember who you are and remember your values. College is a big place, and you'll experience many changes, but you know who you are. Stay true to yourself. Have fun, meet new people, do something you've never done before. Don't be afraid to break up with your high school sweetheart, if it's meant to be, it will be.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to figure out what you want to do in life, be realistic, and pursue that degree. I would also tell myself to travel a lot and make time to study abroad for a semester. Don't get caught up in finishing in 4 years and take your time being a young adult. I would tell myself that life is short and to take time to appreciate your family and friends. I guess I'd tell myself to study hard, not to procrastinate, and to not be afraid ot ask for help sometimes. Lastly, I would tell myself to just have fun, enjoy college, go out once in a while, and try new things!
Do not take any of your schooling as a joke, it all matters if you want to get ahead in life. Be dilligent and remember that staying in for a night to study will not kill you. Take every test like it will be your final grade, study like you only have a one day. If you take school seriously then you will be good, do not procrastinate or else you will be left in the dust by everyone else.
Keep in touch with the people who matter most to you. You never know when you will need someone to remind you that you can come home and help you get through the lonely or stressful times in college. You will grow up and change and meet new people but the people who knew you in high school can also be your lifelong friends and there will be times when you need a whole calvary of people by your side. Remember you can always go home but only go to visit because you will thank yourself later for toughing out being away when you graduate a grown up and with new friends and memories. Everyone needs to get away so go as far as you can get and figure it once you get there!
I always tell myself that if I could go back to being a high school senior, I wouldn't be so set on what I plan to study in college. College has been one of my greatest challenges and it hasn't only been about getting an education but also a journey of self-discovery. During my 3rd year of college I lost all my motivation and I hit rock-bottom, my grades slipped and I lost out on very important scholarships. I couldn't comprehend why this was happening after having been a 4.0 student all my life. Turns out I was so dissatisfied with field of study at the time and absolutely hated everything. Although it has taken me longer to graduate, I am now studying what I’m passionate about and couldn't be happier. So my advice is to not rush and take your time. I was racing through school and setting myself up for failure. Your interests in college will change and that's okay. But I refused to graduate with a degree I was not happy with!
Well as a senior in college now, I see many of my friends who have graduated are struggling to find jobs, I seem to be having the same problem. I would have told myself to prepare myself better for a Master's degree rather than just going through school with the expectation of only completing a bachelors degree. I would have perhaps made sure I prepared myself better for the future rather than focusing so much on just graduating and getting through college.
Prepare to really focus in college. College is nothing like high school. Your teachers don't care if you were sick the day before and couldn't do your homework, your responsible for everything being turned in on time. Highschool is ten times easier, and you thought you couldn't handle that being a single teen mom. I thought college would be much easier, because I could make my own schedule, take as many classes as I wanted and go at my own pace. Oh boy, I was wrong. Being a mother is hard by itself, a mother that works full time is hard, but being a mother, that works full time and goes to school part time is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Stay in school, enjoy socializing, and pay attention because it will only help you out in college.