What I know about college is a huge step in life and is the word to understand the real world meaning. College is not an easy thing for a new high school senior. Yes, when students enter college first is easy but six to eight weeks its will be a huge stress for students. Some students drop out of college because is hard or never show up. Sometime college is hard for some students but is easy for some students. Why that’s? The points of going to college is why you in college? I to be a high school senior I don’t know much about college expectations. I only know bases things about college such as scholarships, tuitions, financial aid, the cost of the college and etc. My teacher will teach only bases thing about what an instructor expectation on assignments and instructor won’t hunt you down like high school teachers. The advice I would give to myself to get into college are management your times, put your effort in college, know the camps, know your instructor; read the syllabus and etc. it will help me to not think college is a bad place and get helps.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would advise myself to apply to as many scholarships as I could, and to take as many dual credit classes as possible to get a head start in college. I would also tell myself to be patient and to manage my time effectively because those are skills I use in a daily basis. I would also advise myself to start using a planner because it is very effective and keeps me organized. Another thing I would advise myself would be to not give up in school, a class, or hope because even if you change your major twice like I did that it will be worth it at the end because as you advance in college you get to experience what you really eant to do for the rest of your life that makes you happy. I would tell myself that I can do it and to never give up. College is not easy but with dedication anyone can do it.
I could have been found in the halls of my high school scared stiff as the graduation date neared. Everyone seemed so sure of their paths, while I worried that my choices may not have been what was best for me. I would have loved to be able to shake myself awake and away from the imprisonment of worry. I walked those halls as a zombie, not really enjoying my senior year. If only I could have told myself that, "It's totally OK to not be 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} about what you want to do right out of high school. It's better to doubt and study a variety of classes before you get the Bachelor's degree and become stuck with a job that is unsuited to you," I would have made the decision to go back to school sooner. Maybe I would've been able to hold on to my last year of being a care-free adolescent.
I would tell my past self to go to a college counselor in order to make sure the classes I register for qualify for transferring. I was not careful about picking my classes and as a result I have now been in community college for four years instead of just two. I am ready to graduate and move on with my life, but I can't transfer until I get those pesky math classes done. I wish I had been more aware of the classes I needed to take!
I would tell myself to get into scholarship mode, and stop putting it off! I would tell myself to work harder and pay attention! I would tell myself to treasure the moments while there, because there is nothing like high school, and once you graduate you can never go back.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, the advice I would give myself is to learn how to study and prepare better. Although the classes weren't to hard and not much time was absolutely necessary to prepare for a test in high school, it would've been much better to develope a better habit back then. That way I could've been more prepared for tests at a much higher difficulty level. Not only in studying, but in learning the material as well. College has proved to be much much less hands on than high school. Instead of the teacher involving us more in what we are learning like in high school, the professor lectures and it is our own responsibility to pay attention, take notes, and then study from the notes we took. I do fine now, but it would've been nice to know how to prepare a little better, so that it would be a regular tendency. Especially to hear it from myself.
Don't stick to one thing because that is what you want to do now. Explore all your options and then make a decision. If you are having lots of bad experiences do not continue on but take the time to determine why and find out if that is the correct field. Make lots of friends and be social. Do not alienate those in your classes. Get to know your professors and be on their good side.
If I could go back in time, I would advise myself to make sure you really think about the college you choose. Make sure it can support you financially and academically. At the end of the day, an education gets you through college, not athletics. I would also say make good choices and stay true to who you are, at all times. Find friends who have your best interests at heart and respect you. Truly, think about the choices that you make because you are the one, who deals with them at the end of the day. Dream big! Go after your dreams and live life to the fullest. Make college the best four years of your life because once you are done, the "real world" begins! Always try to be confident, have faith, be persistent, and humble throughout all of your endeavors. Believe in yourself, so others may believe in you. Be a leader not a follower and move to the beat of your own drum. The key to success is endurance. Education is all about endurance, not neccessarily the workload. Finally, choose the college that is right for you and your true friends will respect you for it!
If I got the chance to go back I would tell myself at the beginning of my senor year to start applying for scholarships and gain as much money as I could. Start a savings and look into all my options do that way I could find out exactly what I would want to study.
I would tell myself to take as many classes in as many different departments as possible, and to not be so afraid to talk to my professors. I would also tell myself to join not just one group or club, but several since being involved in campus life makes college so much more fun and meaningful. Being part of an organization makes you feel more connected, and that is essential to making the adjustment of living on your own for the first time. I would also say to keep going, even when you are homesick and do not like your classes because it is the best investment you will ever make. Yes, keep going even if it is one of the hardest things you do and the hardest advice to internalize. It will be worth it, so worth it.