By attending a 2-year college prior to my transfer to a four year institution, I've had been allowed to grow up and understand the need for the education. I've experienced a variety of classes and discovered my strengths and weaknesses within the academic world. I've learned that just because you're teaching doesn't mean that you are able to convey the knowledge. On the flip side, I've learned that those that have worked outside of academia and also teach more often than not, have a huge amount to offer to the student. I've learned that low paying jobs can be abundant but that you often have to work several to make ends meet and that without the degree, low paying i most likely where you continue to work. The education I've received and will continue to pursue, have helped me to see where the strength is in having a degree.
The obvious: skills and training and the specialized knowledge necessary to be productive in my field (aerospace engineering)
The less obvious: networking opportunities with industry and academia
The unexpected: the self-confidence gained from my ability to do the work and earn this degree.
I have learned a lot, maybe moreso outside of the classroom. Dealing with all sorts of people, how to study to truly absorb information, and most of all how to manage my time and get things done in the most efficient way possible. I try to keep building on these skills and add new ones whenever and however I can.
College has helped me understand the importance of prioritizing and being focused on your goals. It has its down falls at times but you learn to keep going. The values to being at school helps me to further my education and to better educate me so that I can give back to my community. I have learned that many time you’ll feel like you may not be able to make it but college is somewhere that you can always to help or some type of assistance when needed.
At one time, I felt as though I lost myself and was unimportant in todays society. My greatest job was raising my four children but I knew I could be much more then a wife and mother. Going back to school has made me feel better about myself. I appreciate the education that has been provided for me at Victor Valley College. I have accomplished and successfully passed classes I thought were impossible before. My youngest daughter was having problems understanding her physiology class last year and I was able to explain it to her in a way she could understand. I have always dreamed of becoming a registerd nurse. I have successfully passed all the required classes and begin my program August 2011. Sometimes it is hard for my to believe that I am actually fulfilling my dream. I am 47-years old, sometimes I feel as though I am too old to be going back to college. A good friend of mine once said, "You are going to be 50-years old regarless. You might as well be 50-years old at something you have dreamed about; then to be 50-years old of regretting not ever tring."
So far as a freshmen I have recieved a lot of help from college peers and professors. That is one important thing getting to know people on campus and have a guide to help you out with things on campus or with studies that you do not know. There is a lot of things to take advantage of while you are in college, it is way different from high school so students should not have a excuse for anything. There are plenty of tutoring services, mentors, you could even have your own personal tutor to help you out with studies, plus there are programs who are willing to help you with almost anything and everything so take advantage and get to know your surroundings that is what I have been doing and it is a great help. Especially I thank the people that actually take time out of there doings to help someone else.
College is unlike any other educational experience. Students are completely responsible for themselves and their actions. In college, one is not only taught about their major but also things that they can use in their everyday life. This experience prepares you for the world, if you haven’t already been exposed to it. You learn to be independent, you learn the how to truly be responsible, you learn how to be wise with your money and you learn how to be a good, ethical professional within you field of interest. That is why college has so far been vaulable to attend and I look forward to all the new things that I will learn as I go further into my education.
I have become much more independent than I ever have been. I have grown more bold and outgoing as I have been forced to make my own decisions. As a result, I have really blossomed at college personality-wise. Going to college has confirmed my core values and beliefs and has allowed me to expand my horizons. I have excelled beyond what I could have imagined. I could not have excelled without the help of the people at New Mexico State. From my professors, to the friends that I have met, to the writing lab and tutoring centers, everyone has been there every step of my college experience to help me succeed and to be the best that I can be. This has certainly been one of the best and most beneficial experiences of my life and I can honestly say that I am right where I am supposed to be. I would not trade this college experience for the world.
My college experience, though very short, has been life changing. Being on campus and being surrounded by various backgrounds and cultures was very refreshing. I enjoy hearing different languages and the influences other college students are to me. Seeing their determination strengthened mine. I have had a rough life and college life, even though it is a community college, opened my mind around many new ideas and aware of universal issues that are much bigger than any one person. I have gained hope for myself and my children. Believeing in yourself is the most valuable thing that has been gained as far as I am concerned.
I've started to learn how to truely be myself and how to live on my own and make my own decisions. Its been extremely valuable to attend college because I have to say this is the happiest I've been in a really long time. I love that by coming to school I've started to learn who I really am and what I like and what I don't. It has also helped me learn what I want to do with my life, and how I want to live my life. Its a great expeirence for those who are ready for it.