Learn to prioritize. Figure out your goals in life. Know your morals, values, & beliefs & stick to them. Remember who you are & where you come from. Fall back on your family & friends when you need them. Stay focused on school & always give 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. Remember to breathe. Take a break when needed. Enjoy life. Stay social. Smile & laugh whenever possible. Strive for excellence. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you. Be the best you can be. Be a positive influence to not only yourself but others as well. Stay truthful. Try to change the world for the better in any way possible. Be kind to strangers. Always love. Try to learn something new everyday. Be genereous & give to other. Fight to stay on top. Lend a helping hand even when you're not asked. Be thankful. Respect everyone. Thank your parents. Be supportive of others. Stay healthy. Remove yourself from negative situations. Don't be afraid to say no. Be a people pleaser but also take your own path. Stay strong. Love the life you have been blessed with. Pray. Live life to the fullest. Be happy. Make it real. Make it worth living. Dance. Forgive. Succeed. LIVE.
Going back in time...now there's something everyone thinks about, if we could we would but we cannot, and what's done is done and nothing can change that, except to improve the current situation. There are three things that i would advise my high school senior self to do. One is to save up as much money as possible so that i would be financially stable. Two I would also recommend that i take a few summer community college courses before i start my actual college career, so that i would not have to take a bunch of required general ed classes where i already know the course material; in which brings back to helping me financially. Finally i would tell myself to be more open in learning new things, making new friends, and of course, getting my life together. It took me my first two semesters to see what is expected at this university, academically, and if i could go back in time, i would advise myself to get my life together, and prioritze the important things in my life, which add up to being a high school psychologist.
If i could go back I would tell advise myself to work harder so that my GPA would get me scholarships so I wouldn't have to worry about how I am going to afford school. Loans are not what I want to have to look forward to paying off when I am done with school. I would tell myself to focus harder and not try to just get by. If only I could go back things for me now would be a lot different and I would not be struggling. High school GPA and test scores are everything I wish every student knew that.
Be ready for anything. You never know what life will bring. Be more outgoing, but don't lose yourself.
During the transition into College don?t stress and be overwhelmed. New Mexico State University is a great University and has plenty to offer and great people to meet. The professors are amazing and will do anything in their power to help you accomplish your goals so don?t be worried. Experience dorm life and put yourself out there to meet new people and join plenty of extra curricular activities and donate some time to charities, it will pay off!
fill out as many scholarships and grants as you can and enjoy life.
Develop better study skills and note taking skills. Figure out my priorities and set goals for myself. Always strive for the best and push myself 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to work much harder on financial aid applications. I had a good GPA in high school and a good variety of extracirricular activities, which helped me to get into an elite college. I was able to attend that college for a year before tuition became too expensive for my family. If I had worked harder on the financial aid application for that school, I might have had more funding and still attended my first-choice school instead of transferring to NMSU.
Even now, I still tell myself to work harder on financial aid applications because while my undergraduate degree at NMSU is paid for by a full-ride scholarship, my dream of becoming a lawyer is stilll unfunded. I do not know how I will pay for law school, and the wisdom that I would pass on to myself as a high school senior still applies as a college sophmore.
Knowing what I know now, I would go back to my senior year and take school more seriously. School is the future and with out it, people could not obtain prospective jobs and be truly satisfied in their career. Knowing how important it is to get a proper education now, I would have not slacked so much in high school. In fact, I would have taken all my classes much more seriously and would have done more research on future career choices. It is very important to be sure what you want to do before you go to college, however; it truly is the experiences that each individual has in college that molds that particular student into who they are today. This is extremely important and vital for the success of a student in college life. Though, if I were given the chance to go back, I probably would not take it because the journey that I have had so far has been far more worth it not knowing what is to come but learning what will be!
I would tell myself to keep working hard. That even though there are several trials and tribulations ahead of me, if I keep doing what I am doing since now, over coming them wont be hard. Also that its okay to be frustrated, to cry, to be happy and generally show emotion. Growing up is hard and no matter what happens I have an amazing support system of family, and friends to help me when I need it. The last thing I would tell myself, is that its okay to ask for help, when I need it.