New Mexico State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at New Mexico State University-Main Campus know before they start?


Not to be cliche, but the thing I will appreciate the most from my college experience is the friendship I recieved. I met so many new people my first year of college and I realized that the world is so much bigger than my high school of less than 200 people. I also learned to be dependent upon myself. I was not completely independent, but I was a lot of the time. It was up to me to turn in my work, study for my tests, and actually attend class. I was so used to my parents being there to push me to wake up in the morning and go to school. It was definitely hard for me at first, but it was just one of those things that I had to get used to. I realize more and more that in order for me to have a nice, successful future, I have to finish college. That is why I decided to stay in school and try to graduate with my class of 2013. I believe I am ready now, more than ever, to become independent from my parents and do my part to get a good education.


Though my college experience I have gained a sense of independence and have become more self sufficient. I have become more knowledgeable about how to get things done on time and in an orderly fashion because I don?t have anyone there to remind me when assignments are due. I attended really small school called Texico High School and going to a university was a big change for me but that change was for the good. I think that attending college has made me a more mature adult. Attending a college that is almost six hours away from home has been very good experience. I have had to learn to do things on my own and talk to complete strangers, pay bills, and manage money ;which before coming to college I had trouble doing. I think that having an experience like college will only continue to help me grow as an individual and I would recommend to anyone that has doubts about going to college to just try it in hopes that they will have the same experience I had.


From my college experience I have gotten many things. I have met many interesting people. I have learned many analytical, verbal, and writing skills. My confidence and communication skills have increased. Everything that I am today is because of my family, friends and the university I attended. Everything that I have learned in my college career has allowed me to get jobs and be able to be a better citizen. I also had the opportunity to travel to Spain to study abroad. It was a very exciting and learning experience. My college experience also allowed me to learn about other cultures. I met people from around the world. I do not regret attending the university I went to.


The most valuable thing that I have learned since attending college is how to carry myself as a self-sufficient adult. Being that I live off campus, there has been a greater amount of responsibilities that I have had to adopt: paying rent, electricity, etc. As valuable as the actual education that I am getting from NMSU is, the life lessons I've learned outside of campus are what really stand out from my freshman year.


I have discovered many strengths and weaknesses which would have remained hidden to me had I not started my post secondary education. The number of friends I have made as well as instructors who support my growth will prove invaluable later in life when I have earned my degree. I enjoy being associated with like minded indiviuals who share my goal of progressing to ever increasing levels of academia.


I have gained a brighter future. I have had experiences that will stay with me forever. It is in essence the greatest decision of my life. It has been the most profound confidence, knowledge building journey.


What I've gained so far are skills that I'll need later in life. Especially when it comes to socializing. I've come out of my shy shell some more and everyday I'm breaking through because of my friends. I've also learned that I can do little things like attend Tough Enough To Wear Pink games and show that everyone can do something to help with cahnges. It's been valuable to attend NMSU because it's a good distance away from my family and it's letting me be independent and giving me the oppurtunity to figure things out for myself.


I have been able to learn at my own pace and my instructors were great. They pushed me to my limits and beyond and made me realize that I can do anything I put my mind to. I am a first generation college graduate. Continuing my education has given me an edge that I wouldn't have if I didn't attend school. My kids are proud of me for continuing my education and they are the reason that I do. I want to lead them by example. I would like for them to attend college and gain that experience that they wouldn't get otherwise.


I have leanred to go forward no matter what the challenge is. The worst answer anyone can give you is no, but this is just their opinion. Oportunities are always waiting around every corner, but most people aren't willing to take any time away from their straight path. We have to be willing to go down roads that we haven't planned and haven't been charted and take every experience as a lesson learned. Every path has its own pot of gold at the end if your willing to accept that not all gold shines brilliantly.


It has taken me 25 years to finally get my BA and I think that being accepted into the MA program is the best thing that could have happened to me.