New Mexico State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at New Mexico State University-Main Campus know before they start?


I have gotten so much out of my first semester at New Mexico State University (NMSU) and plan to continue for the next four years. I am hoping to graduate with both a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, as well as in Business Management. Education has always been important to me throughout high school and now while attending a university. In the short time I have been here at school, I have gained many new friends that I would not have met if I had chosen not to attend college. I have also gained independence which may be one of the most important things I have learned in the past six months. I am only seventeen years old and decided to move to an entirely different state to go to college. I have had many of ups and downs, with my father having been diagnosed with colon cancer within the first two months of living away from home. I have struggled with being away from home, but knowing that this is what he wants for me. It has been a difficult semester, but I have learned a lot about how to stand on my own two feet.


College is a time when you become the person you were always meant to be. For me, college became a time when I found out just how strong of a person I was. Trials and tribulations are a part of daily life, but it wasn't until college that I realized how to deal with those situations. In essence, college was the time that I realized how to be an adult.; just like my mom always said. College is important to attend because not only did it give me the ability to finish projects and research papers that I believed previously to be overwhelming, but to find and maintain a job, pay for expenses, and continue to be happy. While these are life lessons that may be achieveable without college, I believe it is through college that I learned exactly how to prioritize and accomplish these tasks. To high school students I would say, college is a time to experiment your first year, learn from your mistakes the second year, and fight extremely hard the third and fourth year in order to graduate. Becoming an adult is accomplished through these years and is an experience you will remember forever.


The first year of college isn't what it's all made out to be. As for someone who thought high school was easy and just a big party, college was definitley a huge wake up call. Between the professors, the coursework, extracurricular activities it's rather diffcult to balance everything out and still stay sane. From my first college semester to my second college semester I have buckeled down and relalized that getting through college classes is way more than just showing up to class. This experience has showed me that the real world is full of people that won't remember your name and they are their to do their job just like the students.; which in our case it isto study. It's valubale to attend college because this is the beginning of the rest of your life, the steps you take in college will determine the outcomes of your future. It is very critical to major in something you love, rather than majoring in something you'll hate waking up to every morning of the rest of your life.


most things are what they seem to be, so stay on your toes and go with your gut.


Although I am only a Freshman in college, I have learned so much while being here. I grew up in a small town, so I wasn't really exposed to different people and places. While being in college I have learned so much, not only about myself, but about the world around me. So far the classes have been challenging, but have also helped me learn more about things I didn't even know. College is a truly enriching experience. I hope to do the best I can, while learning as much as I can at the same time.


The thing that i got out of my college experience is the skill to go out in the world and become my on person . And i got the opportunity to align myself with an organization that providing me with community service, promoting the program within the community, and to network with peers and alumni for career opportunities. And establish networks with peers in programs and the industry that i want a career in . And i got to experience the leadership skil will make me a better person in the job world.


I recently returned to college after a long ten year break. My college experience at NMSU has been great. As a mom of two small children I have not been able to partake in the social experience of college but I have finally been able to complete my bachelors degree. Now I am able to focus on the future for my family. When I complete my bachelors degree in May I will be able to further my education and eventually enter the workplace market with a valuable education to back me.


I have learned some good interesting things from college and it has been valuable for me to keep attending it because I am trying to do my best I can to finish college and make my parents proud of me because I am the first in the family to attend college.


I have always taken my schooling very seriously and attending college in my home town was no exception. I feel like college has made me grow immensely as a person and has really prepared me for my "adult life". I have gained so much knowledge over the past few years thanks to my professors and extra research. It is so important to me to get as much out of this experience as possible, while gaining a better understanding of myself and what I want to do once I graduate.


Attending New Mexico State University-Main Campus has been a wonderful experience for me. Almost all of my classes are located within the Music Department, where the faculty and staff care about my progress and my future. However, my faculty advisor shuffled around the classes that I should have taken in previous semesters, so now I am set back a two semesters from student teaching. Other than being set back from graduation, I have made life long friends within the marching band and I have learned loads of little music tricks to put in my bag of goodies in my mind. I am highly active within the marching band, the pep band for basketball, the concert bands, and the NMSU flute studio. I part-take in as much musical activities as possible in order to learn and observe how the directors react and handle each situation that will someday happen to me as a Band Director of a middle school or high school.