Look into as many colleges as possible before making a final decision. It is good to know your options and what all is out there. Go visit schools too so you can have a feel for the places you could possibly attend. If you have a better idea of the schools you are interested in it will lead to a much easier decision in the end. Look at every aspect of the school not just the name or where it is located. Colleges all have so much to offer in their own individual way so research and see all those details each school has that isnt seen on the surface. You could change your mind and end up somewhere you never expected like me. And you might just end up loving it! I know i sure do.
GO where you want to go and where you will feel comfortable. Choose between being close to home, or farther away. You will do your best and learn more when you are comfortable and motivated.
The advice I would give parents or students in finding the right college is to visit the campus and talk to different students and ask them what they think of the college they are attending and about the people at the college. I would tell them to check into the college to see if they have the available courses that they are interested in learning about. They may also be able to talk to an adviser and ask them questions they may have about the programs available and other things they may have questions about.
College is an experience, it's not just about the learning. It helps define you as a person and in order to do that you need a place that can manifest that in you.
It's true you should pick a school that is strongly focused on academia, but college is more than just going to classes. It's about the overall expierence you get from your school. Make sure you pick a school that will stimulate you socially just as much as it stimulates you mentally. In the real world it's not just about what you know but who you know. College is the best time to start making the connections and friends that will last a lifetime.
This college provides many oppurtunities and the faculty encourage the students to continue to pursue graduate and doctoral degrees. The community around Las Cruces, NM. is a friendly environment. There are many community service oppurtunities to allow students to get out and meet new friends as well as people from the community. Many community members are graduates from the University, so they also encourge students to succeed. My experience has been great and the education that is offered is one of the best in the nation for engineering. I believe it is ranked in the top 50 schools for best price and quality of education. The class sizes are just perfect and the professors get to know the students and communicate to you by name. The area where the college is located in Southern New Mexico and the heritage of the local people can be experienced and good food is always easy to find.
I think it would be good to select a college that is not too large or heavily populated. Small town colleges offer more personalized attention. Look for calming estheticly pleasant surroundings. Picture yourself reading or studying there. Personal safety should also be a consideration. How is the food? Is there transportation available? How convenient is it to get from class to class?
Secondly, I want to emphasize the importance of being focused and dedicated to your educational plan. It takes a lot of time and energy, along with determination and self eficacy to do well in your studies. This time should be set aside as priority time for learning. Other activities must take a lesser priority on the totem pole. Attitude and enthusiasm are other important attributes one should strive for. A positive attitude and lots of enthusiasm for projects and assignments are worth striving for.
Finally, really get involved in the activities and social life on campus, because it will really enhance and enrich your educational experience. It gives you an opportunity for networking, which offers much valuable information and valuable tips and solutions for various dilemas you may encounter. Most of all, enjoy this priviledged opportunity of education!
My advice to any student and/or parent about finding the college that will fit them would be to first off decide what area of study you are interested. If you are unsure then find a college that is diverse in the majors they offer. Second, decide how far away you want to be from home and the type of weather that you would prefer to live in. Visit all colleges that you are interested during the school year so you can get a real feel for what the college is like; talk to current students and faculty members. Look at costs, how helpful the college is at assisting with job placement, financial aid and any other programs you might need or are interested in (tutoring, counseling, activities and so forth). Overall, you want to find a place where you can be successful in pursuing your college career and still have a fun social life. Without being prepared you might end up very unhappy which will only inhibit you from attaining your goals and enjoying college life.
first of all find out our all your financial options before yoiu settle down you might think is good you think you can find a better option, second of all pick your class schedule that works for you dont get a class in the moring if you know you can't make it. laslty enjoy your college years !!!!