Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Kentucky University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would do it in a heartbeat. There is so much I would want to tell myself to make my first semester of college a little easier. The transition with friends was the hardest thing for me. I went to the same college as my best friend. I think we both hard different visions in our heads of our friendship in college. My friend thought we would be attached at the hip and I thought we both were going to go out and meet a ton of new people and continue to be best friends. Our friendship has dwindled to almost nothing because we both weren't aware of the others picture of what college life was going to be like. My biggest advice I would give myself is to talk to my best friend about what she expects college to be like. If that happened, my best friend and I might still be friends.


For me as a High school senior I was never planning on attending college. My attitude towards college is what I wish I could change about my High School senior self. I never took the idea of college very serious because no one in my family every really did. I would say "Shasta, you have so much potential, plan ahead so that you can help others. College doesn't seem like a fun idea now, but you will make some of the best memories of your life there. You will meet the man of your dreams through the friends you make. College is where you will learn to express yourself, learn to care about others as a career and to learn to have the same love of learning dad always tried to get us to keep close to our hearts." College was and still is a place I cherish. Not everyone gets the chance to go to a post secondary school and I took that for granted in High School, I would hope that looking back I would change my view of college earlier, to influence me to follow my dreams and reach my goals.


Dear Emily, Once you start college your life will be completely different. It will be challenging none the less but it will all be worth it. Take the time to think about what career you would like to pursue and always, always follow your heart in whatever you please to do. It is important to pursue a career not only for financial reasons but mostly for the love of the field. Take the time to research different careers and choose the one that will give you pride and happiness on a daily basis. College is so important for your future so be prepared for whatever may cross your path. Whenever things become challenging look to your family for they will always be there to guide you along the way and give you the determination to finish what you started. You can do anything you set your mind to so go out there and be whatever you choose to be! Dont give up on your dreams!


I would tell my high school senior self to start college in the fall (like I did) and complete my degree and make my father and brothers proud.


Don't wait to go to college; don't slow down. It's easy to think, "I need some time to fix things. I need some time to get my life straightened out." Don't do it. No matter how hard life seems, it's not going to get easier if you let your career and education opportunities pass you by. And college is hard, sure, but it's also got all the support you need - you'll have friends, and teachers, and faculty who can guide you through the worst of it. Every moment you spend away from school - without that help, without that knowledge - life gets harder. Dead-end jobs and unfulfilling work weeks will never make you happy; a real career, that makes a real difference, is exactly what you're looking for. Don't let fear or anxiety get the best of you; those feelings are temporary, and they'll always hold you back from doing your best. Don't let yourself down. Apply for college as soon as you can, and prove exactly what you're capable of. Don't wait to go to college; don't slow down.


i would tell myself that life is worth living and it does get better. trying to be accepted and trying to fit in wont matter once real life kicks in all those people telling you that you will not amount to anything are wrong you will make something of your self and you will prove to them that you dont need their acceptance to find yourself in life. get out there and take some risks and if you fail try again focus on school and do not worry about what others say most important of all love yourself, because what i have found is that people will love you back if you keep your heart open. as dad always says life is about the journey not the destination.


If I could go back and give myself advice I would first start off by telling myself to save all the money that I could. I would tell myself to take as many college courses in high school as I can to get a little ahead and the college courses in high school are free so it's stupid not to take the classes that you can. I would tell myself to slow down and to live more in the moment and not to just try and get the school year over with. Overall though I would really want to advise myself to apply for as many scholarships and grants as possible because now I am realizing how important it is to apply for them.


If I could go back to my senior year, I would tell myself that life gets better. In high school, I was pressured into taking the hardeset classes offered and I had no real friends or support from my family. College allowed me to find what I am truly passionate about and be content in my own abilities. It is also diverse enough that I made friends very easily based on shared interests. Looking back, I stressed for months about the application ad scholarship process, and I believed that once I had chosen a major or a set of classes that I would be bound to it forever. I would advise my high school self to relax and still do the best work that I can do, and to keep in mind that I have a great set of changes waiting for me in the future.


To talk to my former high school self would be incredibly useful. Back then, I let myself be manipulated into believing things about college that were untrue. Quite a few people in my life, people who are meant to bring you hope, brutally dashed mine. My plans came to a screeching halt and my life came to a standstill. My former self took other people into account far more than she did herself and it took its toll on my self esteem. I have since realized that, while it’s nice to have people believe in you, it’s more important to believe in yourself. Achieving my dreams means more to me than anyone knows and no one should try to take that away from me. My former self would have benefitted from knowing that, in the long run, it’s your life to do with what you will and the naysayers aren’t worth the space they rent in your head.


I would tell my high school self to apply for more scholarships and pick a college sooner. I know that its not a lot but if i had these things I would be better now than how I am.