Some advice I would give to parents and/or students about college would be to check out as many schools as you can of different sizes, areas, etc. so that one could see the different types and truely decide which type of college they would want to attend. I would then suggest that one would start applying to the colleges as early as possible to as many schools as possible so one would have some back up choices in case they don't get into the school they would want. I would fill out as many scholarship applications as possible as well to help you with paying for school if needed, as well as the FASFA form.
To make the most out of the college experience, I would suggest that you get your schoolwork done as soon as possible and not put it off. I would suggest having fun with friends but not put that above school or it could hurt you in the long run. I would try to split having fun with friends or relaxing for you with working on school work. You don't want to get too stressed about school though, you want to enjoy it.
Parents, let your child go where they want to! College is tough and stressful as it is. Making them go somewhere where they don't want to be just makes things a hundred times worse! Future college students, make sure to balance out your life so you don't fall back in school. Balance out work, class, partying and your girl or boy friend. If one is more important than the other then you'll have a tough time. One more thing. Students go home and kiss your parents and say thank you for giving you the chance to attend school. If you don't have parents then pat yourself on the back. I came from a broken home raised by a single mom who put four kids through catholic school and now into college. It was tough but with her love and my determination I made it this far. And soon I will be helping kids as a teacher after I graduate from NKU.
thank you
The advice I would give parents and students regarding finding the right college and making the most of one's college experience is finding a school that is right for you. Know what you want from a school such as location, size, academics, housing, and campus life, and learn about what your school offers your intended major. If they do not have a strong program, look somewhere else. Explore the schools you want to go to; you do not have to go where all your friends are going. Also, get involved on campus! It makes all the difference in the world; you meet new people all the time, so your connections around campus are continuously growing. Getting involved is a great way to experience the social aspect of your campus and make so many new friends. Just make sure you do not overload yourself by joining too many clubs and organizations, especially freshmen year; school and academics always come first!
Find a school that fits your desires along with your budget. It is what you take away from the college experience that will mean more than just shelling out more money. Find a school with smaller classes, which allows a teacher to know your name. It will mean more to you than you think. Like when you need letter of reccommendations and no one even knows you name, much less who you truly are. And, explore the campus and what it has to offer you, what surrounds the school (so you know what you can do on the weekends!), and don't let anyone talk you into somewhere you don't want to go. You'll just end up hating it in the end, and not getting the full college expereince!
The best advice that I can give parents and students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is to make sure that you are choosing the college for the right reasons. Do not go to a college because someone else went there, or because you feel that it is the thing that you are supposed to do. College is not just the next step of your life, but it is a place to learn and grow into the true adults that you will become. It is not a decision that should be entered into lightly. Also, a college decision should not be centered only academically but also athletically and socially. You have to be comfortable in your environment socially as well as academically. I cannot stress enough that this decision cannot be made for any reasons other than the students best interests and needs for their future. Making a quick and hasty decision can have terrible effects on the student?s college experience.
Press on. Things get crazy, find somewhere that makes you comfortable. Also, apply for all of the scholarships you can. School is very expensive.
I would tell students to first decide a school that best fits them and not a school that their friends go to. Things to consider when choosong the best college are making sure that college has the major you are seeking, and if you are undecided make sure there are a very large variety of majors. Also consider what class size best accomodates your learning style. It is also important for the student to research thier field of study and make sure the college provides some type of excellence in that field. To make the most of your college experience definitely get involved in campus organizations but not too much where it becomes overwhelming. Also make as many friends as you can because having a support system while in college makes it that much easier to make it through your college experience. I would tell parents to make sure that the college their child is picking offers a numerous amounts of scholarships and other forms of financial aid to make your burden easier.
Visit colleges more than for a couple of hours, sit in on a class in your field, talk to some of the students, get the full picture before settling down, and live in campus at least your first year!
When you're looking for the right college, make sure its the right setting for you. I've been on so many college trips and all the ones I've been to were not for me. When I came to NKU I realized this is where I wanted to be. But I feel the two important things of making your college life a better experience is to definitely interact with on campus events and activities, and going to finanicial aid to look at other scholarships. It's very important that you interact on campus because that is how you will meet more friends and it would also be good for you and your resume. If you just sit in your dorm all day, campus life would definitely not be fun. Finally scholarships. When it comes to that, it's good to go to the finanicial aid office and talk to them regularly because they are there to help you find money. You don't want to graduate from school paying back a huge loan, you want to pay back less as possible. I've already had that situation once, now I go to the finanicial aid office often.
Find a school with the right class size that you want but also a school that is very diverse. Diversity will show you new cultures and you will meet different people who can change your perspective on life.