The experiences and direction i have recieved from attending college is unmeasurable. To elaborate, i have never had an outline for life. I have never considered the future in any great detail. due to my recent college experiece i have gone from no ambition or purpose to an unstoppable force in the world of acedemia. I do not know where i would be in this world currently with out my new found focus. i am currently finishing my second year at the community college level, chasing three different majors; business, mathematics, and engineering. i do not only plan to change my stars, but aspire to be a positive role model for my community and country. If i only had a clearer understanding of life and the trials and tribulations necessary to be a successful person in society today. The values i have gained in college will ensure a life of endless possibilities, rather than a clouded stifled journey spinning out of control with no real direction or purpose.
Thanks a Millon,
Bill Jim Tew
I have gotten a lot from my college experience thus far. First and foremost, I have learned a lot in a variety of subjects and discovered my passion for psychology. A good education is what I expected from attending college, what I didn't expect was the friendships I've made, the professors I've met, and the self actualization that comes along with the college process. While some friendships end when the semester is over, I have made some very good friends I hope to keep throughout my life. My professors have inspired me and interested me in a way that makes me want to be a big contributor to society. So far, after just three semesters of college, I have done a lot of maturing and figuring out who I am and what I want in life. In high school I didn't have any goals for myself, and that made me feel insignificant. Now that I know I can be more than just a student or an employee, I push myself to excel in life and set goals for myself.
I'm a student majoring in International Studies and a Political Science minor. The aim of most college students is to get the most out of their education, and that is exactly what my college provides. Class sizes are small, giving each student a chance to express their opinions as well as get to know their professors on a deeper level. The lessons are interactive, providing a great learning environment.
As an incoming freshman, I was quite unsure about what my college experience would be like. However in college, I found friends I know I will keep for a lifetime. As an entrepreneur, I enjoy being involved on campus in ways that use and enhance my leadership abilities. The highlight of my time at NKU has definitely been my experience studying abroad. Thankfully due to a scholarship award offered by the international students office, which paid my trip, I had the opportunity to work with a school in Mexico as part of a service learning project over spring break. My time abroad had an immeasurable impact on my life. Not only that, but adding these experiences to my résumé will allow for many more career opportunities in the future.
Even more than the sheer amount of knowledge and the ability to move forward in my education and career plans that attending college has granted me, I've been gifted with much more important life lessons along the way. The value of giving everybody a chance, especially teachers (sometimes the teacher who shows up twenty minutes late is the one who was helping a student and lost track of time). The beauty in diversity, and the richness and vibrancy that it brings to not just a classroom, but to the world. The importance of listening, of analyzing, and of truly hearing what other people have to say. The power of community, and the ability of just one person to make an unforgettable impact on the life of so very many others. When I first told my friends of my intentions to attend a community college before moving on to a four-year university, the scoffed and said that my education would be sub-par. I can honestly say, with all of my heart, that they were wrong. In the past couple of years, I have grown more than I could have possibly imagined, and for that I'm beyond grateful.
I have gotten many valuable lessons out of college so far.
I'm only a freshman this year but that doesn't mean i havn't gotten a lot out of my experience so far at college. I've learned that even though college may be stressful it is totally worth all the struggles and lack of sleep. I chose to be here and attend college so im going to take the challenges my teachers give me and prove that i have a purpose here and want to succeed and get a good job after four years of hard work. I've also learned that college life isn't what people think it is. College life is a lot harder than you think, i am constantly working and writting papers, etc. It has been very valuable for me to attend college because i want to succeed and recieve my diploma and bachlors degree in graphic design and take what i've learned and apply it to a fantastic job that not only helps me to provide for my future family but also a job that i enjoy. College is all about the hard work and it all pays off in the end when you walk accross that stage diploma in hand!
college has really prepared me by keepin me organized and really opening my eyes to that people will not just hand you things. u have to earn it through past experience and hard work. its a big eye opener that everyone needs to experience to be ready for life. it prepares you for life and all of its obstacles. college has just shown me how to keep myself organized and prepared me for life events such as my career and financial organization.
I have learned so much by attending college. I have learned who my true friends are, how to write good research papers, and how to apply what I have learned in the classroom to real life events and experiences. I feel that my experience in college will help me in my future dreams and goals, such as my career, my family, my religion, and my community. These few things mean alot to me, because I need all of them to excel in my life. I plan on taking what I have learned at Northern Kentucky University and applying every piece of information to my life in some way. Attending school is a great step, but it is not the only step that needs to be made, the next step is to take in as much knowledge as possible. I plan to spend my life helping others, and I feel that I have the knowledge to do so, because I have made the decision to absorb the information in college.
Thinking back to my senior year in high school I would have given myself some very useful advice. I would have told myself to visit several college campuses and really explore my options. I would have told myself to apply for as many grants and scholarships as possible. But, most of all I would have told myself, as a high school senior, to go away to college and enjoy the experience. These are all things that I did not have the knowledge to do as a high school senior, but now as a single mom of three young children, this is the advice I wish I would have had.
I f I were to go back in time and talk to myself about the college process I would tell myself to explore as many colleges as possible. By exploring multiple colleges I would expose myself to multiple offers for scholarships that would help to narrow my choices. In the process I would visit many of the colleges to see how people interact, meet people and professional staff. I would also suggest that if I had any doubts, staying home for the first two years of college is an option. I could attend the community college at a cheaper rate and get the experience of taking college courses. This option would provide for a smoother transition to a larger college or university and possibly better scholarship opportunities. Above all I would tell myself to move at a pace that allows me to excel at all times.