I would advise myself to do my best in all my classes. Make sure I don't fall behind. Work harder on getting scholorships. Make good carrer choices. Remember to take time for yourself and don't work yourself into the gournd.
If I could go back to high school, the advice I would give myself is to get involved. It is very hard for me to get involved in college because I am not comfortable and open two trying new things.
If I could go back to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as you could find as earlier as possible. Even with NKU's prices being "affordable" I still do not have enough. I was not prepared for the expenses of college and I did not look into scholarships as a senior. That would be the best advice I could give myself as a senior in high school.
I would tell myself it's not going to be as scary as I thought. That it will be fun and there will be tons of people there to help you with all your questions. To stay postivie and work hard and never give up and that you will make friends very easily. To keep studying to keep up your grades because you still can get scholarships for them.
Things may not get harder with class, you just have to push yourself. However what you think you know, you don't. Try many things, experience what you can and keep hoping things get better.
Dear Haley,
It is your senior year you have taken the A.P. classes, interned, participated in clubs, volunteered, and worked the rest of the time. You pushed students away because you wanted to move forward, you stressed about that B, you are worried college is going to be high school: phase two, and lastly, what about the money? My advice to you is that let go of all that stress, forget about the what ifs, and just applaud yourself for getting through those last four years. You worked very hard and I promise it will pay off. Do not stress about the grades just try your hardest and do not lose sight of your goals. College is nothing like high school you will meet people as lifelong friends, you will create a network much larger than yourself. Also, as for the money you may need to work two jobs but you had prepared yourself so well that you will be able to use that money for great things like renting your first apartment, taking more classes, studing abroad, and experiencing new adventures in new places with new people. This time is precious.
Future Haley
In hindsight, I am confident about the path that I have taken up to this point in my life. If I were to be able to go back in time and talk to myself as a High School senior, I would give myself one piece of advice: "Have trust and faith in yourself." In my opinion, the most frightening thing about college was the unknown. Once I was able to experience everything for myself, I knew exactly what my purpose was, and I knew exactly what to do. When in doubt about anything, I look to God for the answers. I know that if I have trust in God, that everything will work itself out in my favor. I have strived for success ever since I can remember, and during my first year of college I found out that anything is possible. To illustrate this, a goal of mine was to maintain a 4.0 GPA. With my hard work and perseverance, I was able to meet this goal, among others. When times were tough and when I felt like giving up, God was there to show me to keep going. Without him, I would be nothing.
The best advice I could have given myself would be to manage my time better. Writing a paper the night before won't cut it and cramming for a test the morning of definately doesn't work. Remember, even though it was only a summer, you're a different person, so even if you have a class with someone you 'know' you may not know them now. Keep an open mind, keep your chin up and smile; there's absolutely no reason why you won't make friends. Just breathe, you can do this; take it day by day.
The advice I would give to myself as a senior in high school, is I will need to study harder, and take school more seriously. In conjuction to that, I would say, those famous words professors tell us all the time, "you do pay extremely amounts of money for those text books, open them and read!" Another thing I would tell myself, is to be conservative with your money, and save, save save!
Stay focused and don't wait until the last minute to turn in assignments.