Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Kentucky University know before they start?


I'd tell myself to take general education courses in high school through dual-credit or AP courses, or at the very least to atend a community college for the first couple of years to get those courses out of the way at a much cheaper price. Take that time to decide what career you want, and then you'll be ready to decide on a major when you go to a bigger school without taking classes early on that won't be helpful if you decide to change majors.


Make sure you apply for scholarships and do it early, also be sure you have the financial backing to go "away" to school if that is what you want to do.


Knowing what i know now about college, if i could go back and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I would tell myself a lot of advice about college life and what is best for my transition. Some advice i would give myself would be to be more open with my roommate insteadof pushing them away. I would also tell myself not to be so nervous about the classes and just work very hard. I would push myself to be more diligent looking for scholarships so that i wouldn't be putting such a big whole in my parents wallet right now. I would make it very clear that college is not everything I thought it would be but not in a negative way. Instead, college is more than i thought it would be. I thought all I would be doing is studying all the time and never have time for anything else. Now I know that there are ways to balance fun and college and still be successful.


If I could go back and know what I know now, I would tell myself to really apply myself in high school because it really pays off. I would also start applying for scholarships early on in the school year so I would be offered more money. Financial aid doesnt always work out how we want it to. I'm barley being covered by financial aid. Every semester I have to go and request more money from the government to cover my tuition and housing fees.


First, Never forget why you are attending college in the first place. The ultimate goal is to get your diploma and find the career you have been dreaming about. Second, always stay connected to your family and close friends. It is always good to have someone, or a group of people, in your corner cheering you on. Third, don?t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You will learn so much about yourself you never knew. It also helps you learn about different cultures, ethnicities, and lifestyles that can open your eyes to new ideas and new ways of thinking. Fourth, learn how to balance school and fun very quickly. School work should always come first. And lastly, don?t give into peer pressure. Stand up for your morals and personal values, while also being opened minded to other peoples personal believes. It is hard being on your own for the first time. Having to make decisions for yourself without the guidance of a parent, or a counselor can be very difficult to manage. But if you stay focused and look at the big picture, you will succeed and possibly go above and beyond your wildest dreams.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school I would tell myself to never put things off. I remember in school I would make a list of everything I needed to do. I would always get it all taken care of , but sometimes I would wait a couple of weeks to do so. College is so different then high school because you have no one to remind you of an assignment due or a quiz to study for. My theory for college is to Do it Now or Never, and that is the exact advice I would give to myself if I could go back in time. In college, if you don't do whatever it is right away then by the time you do, it's either to late or you have something else due that is more important.


If i could go back in time and talk to my self as a High School Senior about college life, i would make sure I continued to improve my study habbits and to not worry so much about what others think about me. First starting out my Freshman year i struggled with studying and did really bad my first two semesters. I now have to work ten times harder to bring my GPA up and wish i could have started with better study habbits. I would tell myself to not worry about what others thought of me because once you get to college, none of that matters. I have met and become great friends with so many different and new people and now i really enjoy meeting new people.


Thom, right now is not the time for you to go to school. You are not ready, nor are you mature enough to dedicate yourself to your studies. Go out and live a little you will be ready soon. But life is not worth doing what others think you should. You need to live for you, and if that means waiting a few years before you start college then you will be a better person and a more dedicated student when you do chose to atend. And Chele's not the one for you.


College is where I would find myself. Through the classes I would learn what I like and dislike. I wouldn't say much to myself because then I wouldn't have the experience. I would say enjoy senior because you won't get it back and have fun.


If I could go back in time there would be two things that I would tell myself which would be to push myself and to focus. While in high school I did my work basically just to get by, get grades good enough that I was at least able to get accepted into a university. I was more focused on attending all of the parties and clubs that I wasn?t even old enough to get into rather than focusing on what was really more important which was not only receiving and education but actually taking in and absorbing the education that I was receiving. If I could just push myself as I do now while in college there would have definitely been a bigger chance that I would have received a scholarship. While in high school my GPA was extremely lower than my full capability and with receiving a 3.231 during my first semester at Northern Kentucky University I know that if I would have focused more and pushed myself to my full potential I would have did as well in high school as I am doing now and plan to keep on doing throughout my entire life.