Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Kentucky University know before they start?


If I could go back and talk to myslef as a high school senior knowing what I know now about the transition to college, I would have to tell myself to do some more research on colleges and what they have to offer. I would tell myself to take the time and fill out the university applications and explore my options. I would aslo tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible to elivaite some of the fiancial hardship. Looking at college from your senior year in high school is very different then acually entering college itself. I wish that I would of know then what I know now so I could of been that much closer to getting my RN instead of having to start over 3 years later at a different college.


To learn how to study!!! I was lucky enough to be able to obtain information very well throughout high school, even in tough classes. However, in college I had to learn how to study, before I was actually able to study effectively. It is a good thing I faced this challenge because it showed I was advancing my education level, however, it was a hard hump to try and quickly get over.


As a senior in high school, I thought I had it all figured out. I was majoring in Respiratory Care for an associate's degree, with the game plan being to get my bachelor's in Health Sciences immediately after my graduation. Looking back, I wish I could tell myself to be open-minded to other majors and to do things for myself, rather than doing things to make others happy. As I reflect on my career path, I find that I was choosing Respiratory Care because of peer pressure to do so. While I think that healthcare is a noble career, I am now finding myself less-than-happy with my decision. I am in the process of switching my major to Early Childhood Education. If I could talk to my senior-year-high-school self, I would tell myself to really think things through, and to pursue a degree that would make me happy, not that would make others happy. I would love to be able to tell eighteen-year-old me to use the opportunity of going to school as an opportunity to fulfill my dreams, not other people's dreams.


College can be an intimidating environment, but with the right guidance it can be the most successfull, and the most fun time of your life. There are endless possibilites to learn and grow not only in the classroom but outside of it as well. Getting involved is the best answer to tackling the intimidation aspect of college. Joining organizations will build up your confidence and ensure that you're making the most of your time. Additionally, knowing that each class is passable as long as you put the time and effort into it. Which means forming relationships with professors, not being afraid to ask for help or raise your hand, studying, doing homework, and utilizing the resources that a university supplies to you. These are all detrimental pieces of advice but the best piece of advice is to find a balance. When you find a balance between school (studying, classes), your organizations, your friends, and yourself then you will find a comfortable routine that will help you reduce stress, and conquer your fear of college. Balance is the key, and takes time to acquire but will lead to a successfull college career, and a successfull life.


Always try in highschool, don't ever horse around. Try your hardest at all times and always do your homework. Study is important because college isnt like high school. It is alot more challenge to the mind then highschool. Surround yourself around students that want to have a life. Don't surround yourself around students who don't care what happen in they're future. The most important is always have a nice attitude and always work hard.


Hey Emma! You're a senior in high school, and although these AP classes and all of this homework is stressful and you hate it, you will be so thankful that you did it. I know that the whole prospect of going to college seems really scary and intimidating, but don't worry, you are going to love it! You will meet so many new and interesting people, and you are going to really like your professors, they are not as frightening as your imagination is making them out to be. You are going to have to study a lot and work hard, but it will pay off. To make things easier for you once you get there, here is some advice: Stay away from the student union at lunch, give yourself enough time to get to your classes, and don't fret over who you will talk to or if you will have friends - you will! Also, you will find that parking is a nightmare, so give yourself more time to get ready and get to school. You will be repeatedly late to math class before you learn this lesson! Stop worrying, everything will be fantastic.


Apply for many different colleges, and don't be afraid to stay home and go to school.


If I could go back to high school and give myself advice, I would tell myself to search high and low for scholarships and not depend on financial aid. I would also encourage myself to get involved in campus activities earlier. I would advise myself to start networking and making connections across campus as right away and not to be intimidated by doing so. I would tell myself that the best way to make friends is to just talk to people and not wait for them to talk to you first. I would tell myself that I will be making a great decision by coming to NKU and not worry about fitting in, because I've found a place that I can call home and I know that through hard work, determination, I will succeed and earn my degree.


If I could go back and talk to my High school senior self, I would tell myself that college isn't all that scary. All throughout high school, students complain how terrible it is, that they can't wait to be done with it. I used to say those things, but before I knew it, school was done. At that moment, it seemed like that four years had gone by in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, I went into panic mode. I was so nervous at the thought of having to go to college and be independant, something I had always wanted when I was in high school. However, knowing what I know now as a college freshman, the transition was made quite smooth with the help of parents, friends, professors, and counselors. I would tell myself to relax, college is a great thing to experience.


Go to the college you want to from the get-go! Do not waste your time going to a community college first. Study when you need to study and have fun when time allows. Passing classes isn't really enough, strive for the Dean's List, the sense of accomplishment is indescribable! Some really rough times are going to come your way, things you are by no means prepared for and would never imagine. When these things happen, stay strong, lean on those who love you, they will be there for you and with them you can get through anything and carry on with school! Going back to school when you are 42, have 2 active kids and a very active life yourself is not easy at all!!