Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Kentucky University know before they start?


Be persistant. Don't think that just because most of the professors don't take attendance that it doesn't mean you don't have to go to class. And use your resources. Many of the professors tell you all the homework needed to be complete in their syllabus but it's up to you to use your resources to complete other assignment while you aren't busy. Not only can you look over your syllabus, if you start struggling GET A TUTOR, don't think of it as "it's free tutoring" think of it this way you have already PAID these people to sit and help you, and you would be WASTEING MONEY if you don't allow them to help you pass your classes. And lastly, there is NO REASON to fail, you live on capmpus all your resources are availiable to you and you are smart effort to succeed. And if your'e anything like I was... I know you will make the right decisions (; Good Luck Kid!


Prepare for SAT and TOEFL as early as possible. Do not focus on the exam for enrolling the universities in China.


I would have paid more attention to the scholarships and oppurtunities out there. I live in a tiny town where most people graduate (some doesn't) and go straight into working at factories to make a living. That's the only thing I knew. I never really considered higher education. I wish my high school pushed going to college and get us better prepared. I wish I tried harder in high school as I am in college.


If I could go back and give myself advice for starting college I would tell myself that I need to start out as a geology major instead of an education major so that I could get the jump on the program and start where I should have with the right classes. Join the Newman Club right off the bat because you will make some amazing friends in that group that you will have for a good while. Study better for some of the gen eds. But mainly, stay calm, have fun, and you will do just fine. However, with all that in mind, you will be better off starting in education than geology becasue you are going to learn an quite a bit about yourself and you will finish your gen eds sooner and make some really special friends in those classes that you wouldn't have otherwise. Start where you to with college and explore it. Don't change a single thing about the experience, because it is going to make you a better person.


The advice I would give myself is even though there may be a few subjects that seemed as if I didn't need to study for, study anyways! In college, there are a lot of quizzes, tests, and exams, and I feel as if I would have studied more in high school, I would have better studying habits in college. Even though I may not have needed to study for things in high school, I could have used that time to learn more efficient ways to study and to develop more effective studying habits.


There is no time limit to when you can go to college and get a degree. But, if you do know what you want out of this life and you are ready to make that committment, don't delay. Get started, buckle-up and enjoy the ride. The will be roadblocks and detours but you will find a way to reach your destination if you choose to.


I would tell myself about how to get involved earlier and to try and get myself living on campus. I would tell myself of all the oppertunities and scholarships that are out there and how when i graduate if i did take full advantage i would need to pay for college and that when i live on campus i could have more fun then ever and even could get a job on campus. The best advice is no matter what happens don't loose sight of the prize and fight through what ever it takes to stay concentrated on school and graduate in the near future.


The advice that i would give myself is to go directly after you get out of highschool. The one thing you need not to do is take the time off then go to college, that you should do it straight out of highschool. You have two beautiful kids that look up to you and that you need to give them a good life and make it to where they are proud of what you have accomplished. Make your husband the most happiest man ever by going back to college while also taking care of the household, two kids in school and just juggling life all together. Make sure that when you do get into or go to college that you put full focus into your school work, but to also keep in mind that you do have a family that needs you just as much. Never neglect your5 homework for school, because if you do you will never succeed in life and you need to succeed for npt only youself, but for your family, friends and life all together. Just remember that your family and surroundings will be proud of you for the steps you are taking to better youself


I would tell myself to not be afraid to embrace who I am. I never used to be proud to be gay and I tried relentlessly to hide it. However after starting college, I realized that it really doesn't matter. Your friends and family are going to accept you for who you are. I would tell myself to be more confident in myself and let my true self shine. In the grand scheme of things, being gay has little impact on what you accomplish inlife. So why let it hold you back from being who you are and realzing you full potential?


Stick it out! That is the advice I would give my high school self. Extracurricular activities are a big deal in both high school and college, the difference is the extracurricular activities in high school prepare you for leadership positions in college. As you become an adult you no longer have the desire to just be a member; one in a number you want to be a leader and it’s hard not to want to take on more responsibility when given the opportunity. But if you didn’t have the proper training as a member, how can you be a leader. In high school I joined clubs to be with friends and to have something to do. I didn’t realize how much responsibility I took on even just being a member, so many of the clubs I quit. Now as the vice president of one organization, and the treasurer of another, I tend to become overwhelmed. Although I am learning how to handle the responsibility of being a leader ,I fell if I had just stuck it out in high school, and learned to be a member, being a leader wouldn be as hard.