Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Kentucky University know before they start?


Justin, College isn't what the teachers and advisors make it sound like. Honestly NKU will probably be the best time of your life, but don't lose track on what you're really there for. Hanging out with your roommates is all fun, but don't let it distract you from what needs to get done. Just because you're in college doesn't mean that homework and studying isn't still an essential. Home work means even more than it did and studying is a must if you want to do good on any of the tests. Also studying by yourself will probably pay off but don't be shy too ask for help from a tutor or from the teacher if you don't understand certain material in school. Khan Academy and Youtube has saved my life to many times this past year so get use to teaching yourself. Also make sure you check with your advisor as much as possible to make sure that you are on the right path. It may seem pointless but it will help later on.


To be better prepared. And to take not only more Honor classes but take classes at Williamstown campus of Northern while I was in High School. Not focus on the social life as much try for scholarships to help out with my schooling in college.


I would have known that everybody that said they were my friend was not. I would have not listened to what other people said about me. I would have not been hopeless about myself, because I have been hopless on this journey of college sleeping outside on the streets. I know do music on youtube and represent my school. I want to be a professional rapper on the big screens someday. I am JimmieTheRapper on Youtube and Twitter. I also would have not listened to people saying I have a mental disorder. I just found a job December 5th 2013, so I should be able to get more things I need. I have been just surving off of school loans, so I owe so much back. If I wasn't hopless and depressed, I would have been encourage to find a job like how I had to build the confidence to do so now. Finally, I would have figured out where I was going in life before I knew now. I am the Best Rapper Alive! "JimmieTheRapper"


If i could go back and tell myself one thing in highschool the first would probably be "get a haircut ya bum". But i would tell myself that i was good enough to go to college because i wasnt thinking that senior year. I would tell myself to go to NKU so that i didn't waste a year doing nothing and going to community college where i didnt do anything and didnt make any friends. I would tell myself to appreciate the small things that my parents do for me because now that i live an hour and a half away its hard to stay connected at home. I would tell myself that i wasnt creative enough for engineering and that i should focus on what i was good at and go into business where i would be good and use natural talent for math. because i wasted a semester on being an engineering student. But the most important thing i would tell myself is that confidence is key in life and that i would need to be confident to be sucessful at nku to standout and do the best that i could possibly do.


If I were to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, there are a lot of things I would say. The most important thing I would tell my younger self, however, would be to really cherish the moments of fun and laughter I had before I left for college. While being in college is an amazing experience, I didn't realize until after I graduated how much I would miss my high school life. I would tell myself back then to appreciate the friends of the moment because they won't be around much longer. I would also emphasize to myself to let the negative things roll off my back, because after high school is all over, so is the drama. Being popular seems important at the time but what really matters is your character when all is said and done, as this is what makes you new friends that bring new experiences and even better memories than before.


The biggest advice I would give myself is SIGN up for as many Scholarships as I can and try to get school compeltely paid for by scholarships and grants. And DO NOT take out any Loans at all, because then you have to worry about paying that off while in school or right out of school. I know its a pain in the butt big time to write eassys to a scholarship that yea your most likely not going to win because sadly my writing sucks monkey butt. Yet, just attempting to do schoalrships and learn as much as you can will save so much trouble in the end with a lot of things.


If I were to go back to high school the advice I would give myself would be to study everyday and not to procrastonate. These would be the two pieces of advice I would give myself because in college you have to study everyday to do well in the class unlike, in high school where you can study a couple days before the test or not study at all and still get a passing grade. Not to procrastonate would be another piece of advice I would give to my high school self becaus in college the projects contain more detail and a harder grade sheet, so you are not able to start the night before and get a good grade unless you pull an all nighter. these are two important pieces of information because I always studied the night before or procrastonated on projects in high school and thought I would be able to get by doing that in college but I quickly learned that that was not possible.


If I were to get a second chance to go back in time as a high school senior I would give myself the advice to research as much information as possible about the processes of college. I would say do not be afraid to ask questions even if they seem irrelevant or stupid. I would advise to drive to college campuses and walk around familiarizing myself with the campus I choose to attend and do not be afraid of seeking as much information as possible. Most important, I would say to decide what kind of learner I am if I have not already because this knowledge can help avoid frustration and stress. I learned the hard way that I am a visual and kinesthetic learner and now I know how to alter my study lessons to get the most benefit. I advise focusing on knowledge about memory and the best ways to incorporate information into long term memory so that the information learned can last longer than a few weeks. College permits students to learn about the world and their surroundings, do not let this knowledge go to waste by simply memorizing words and flushing it.


If I could talk to my former high school self I would tell myself to go into college directly after high school and not wait almost 20 years to go. The reason for this is now that I am older and wiser and trying to get a job in todays workplace I found out that my lack in education has hindered me. I would tell myself to go get the education needed and continue to get whatever education needed to stay on top of todays workplace requirements. But today is today and I am playing catch up so I guess it true about the old saying"If i knew then what I know now" I would more than likely be in a different place.


It was quite difficult to figure out all the aspects of college as a high school student and I was often confused and even scared. One thing that affected me the most was the ACT. I continually worried about this and I let my worries get the best of me. Overall, I was determined to get a score over thirty, but I would continually go through certain scenarios in my head of receiving lower scores and they all ultimately led to me thinking I wouldn't be accepted to college. I realize now that these are quite extreme examples that I shouldn't have worried about. After taking the test three times, I was at my limit with test anxiety. I worked hard, but the closest I got to a grade of thirty was a twenty nine, and by that time I was at my limit and decided to no longer take the test. I would tell my high school self not to worry about the ACT so much, because there are other factors that are also taken into account and once you get into college, nobody cares about your ACT grade. Don’t go past your limit, just relax.