Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Kentucky University know before they start?


The biggest advice that I would give myself would be to not get caught up in the whole "college life" and to not let all the college freedom get to me. A lot of people told me this going into college, but I never listened. I always thought that I would make classes my number one priority, and I would never go out on weeknights. With all the freedom that you have in college, it is hard to say no sometimes. I quickly learned this after my first semester of college and turned it around as fast as a could. For my second semester I focused on classes more. I wish I could go back and tell my high school senior self this because that first semester could mess up your GPA Luckily it didn't affect mine as much as it could have, but I could have a much better GPA if I would have made classes my first priority.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would tell myself that nothing comes easy. You will have to work hard and stay organized to achieve what you want in life. There will be times where it may seem easier to give up, but know that those who push themselves to better themselves can overcome any challenge. Challenge yourself to better yourself. Most importantly do not give up. If you learn to manage your time, you will find college life much easier.


I would tell myself to get involved sooner. I didnt get involved until my junior year and really regret it. I spent a lot of time alone in my room and didn't take the time o get to know my classmates when they are truely inspiring people. since I have become more involved I have grown as a person and have really learned a lot about a diverse group of individuals. College is your chance to really be yourself and not have to worry about being judged like in high school. Don't be scared to put yourself out there and gain those skills and take advantage of the opportunities that are out there.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would defiantly encourage myself to work harder on the math portion of the ACT, and to make sure my younger self took a foreign language class in our first semester of college, I would tell my past self that having ADHD is much harder to deal with in college than in high school, and that I must prepare myself to work extra hard in the coming months. But ultimately I would let myself know that college will be so much better than high school, that we were going to meet some of our best friend in those first few days, that no matter how bad it is now that it will get better. I would tell myself that I shouldn’t worry about our first year because even though we are scared now, it all turns out all right.


This is really the time to prove yourself. You already know what your major is but be sure to look deep into your department to find out all the events you can attend and the awards you can try to collect because not only will they look good on your wall, it will look good on your resume. I know how much you like Yugioh trading cards, but you must save money for a car as soon as possible and the financial aid will help tremoundously with that. Even if you can drive a car now, you really have to get your own. Keep a small portion of financial aid for yourself and save the rest until that time you can get a car, and keep on doing it so you increase its amount over time so you can be in a condo in a year or two or three. ALSO, you must study like your life depends on it. The classes may seem easy but one look away and you'll get an imminent "F." Getting your own car will make you stay on campus more often and actually study with little distractions. Also be more active in organizations.


Work harder in college!


I would tell myself to not be afraid to be me and to put myself out there when meeting new people. Making connections across campus is very important and will help in the long run. I would also tell myself to hit the books. I am here to further my education and to successfully do that, I must study to get the grades and GPA that will allow me to graduate and get a job related my field of study.


Make sure you make time for new friends outside of the athlete group. Join a club, play intramurals! Be social. And do not be dependent on your small group of friends.


As someone who dropped out of high school to acquire their GED, I would tell myself to stick with it, because all of that silly nonsense you encounter in high school is irrelevant in college. It makes no difference wether or not you are popular in high school, college is a whole different experience. I would tell everyone who is having trouble in high school to stick with it, because I can testify from first hand experience that life does get better. I'm just glad that I was able to turn my life around and have a second chance at achieving what I want in life. It's phenominal how many more opportunies come your way when you're in college and even after. I've changed so much since my senior year of high school, I think it's rather amazing how much you learn about yourself at college. However it's all wasted if you don't step up and take risks, if you sit inside your dorm all day you won't achieve much from college other than a degree. You have to put in the effort to meet new people!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself 3 pieces of advice. First, stop worrying about whether you will make friends or whether you will like your roommate, because on move in day you will befriend your roommate and the girls who live next door and across the hall, and make even more friends in class. Second, go through sorority recruitment. I know right now you're questioning whether or not you would enjoy being in a sorority, but just go ahead and do recruitment. If you don't like it you can just not pledge, but you will regret it if you don't do it. After seeing how much your friends in sororities love it and seeing all of the awesome stuff they get to do with their sorority sisters, you'll wish you had at least tried it, and you'll save yourself the worry about whether you're going to get a bid if you go through recruitment as a sophomore. Lastly, don't stress too much. College sounds scary and stressful, and it is sometimes, but you will be okay.