Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Kentucky University know before they start?


First thing first take serious classes dont drop that pre calc class for that JCG class because that pre calc class is going to come in handy. Be serious your first year in college alot of things are going to be different there will be nobody making sure you go to school and professors wont call your house when you are not there TRUST ME. Take as many summer courses as you can afford because the sooner you get college over with the better so you can weigh your options. Apply for as many scholarships as you can because you might get lucky and get one plus hearing all those scholarships that people got on graduation day when you know that none of those scholarships will actually help the person because they are not going to those schools that the scholarships are giving money for will make you feel bad because your name wont be called. So apply for scholarships because you might get money and you will make your mom and dad proud by hearing your name called a couple of times at graduation . Thanks Your self


I wouldl tell my self to stick it out and go to a great HBCU.


Don't get lazy and have faith in yourself.


Hold your head up high and don't sweat the small stuff. Those long nights studying, doing homework, writing essays and doing research instead of going out and partying are all worth it in the end. Ignore those people that try to put you down and rise above them by being the best person you can be. Be yourself and everyone will love you and those that don't aren't the people you want with you anyway. Don't be like a sheep; be the shepard. Fill out your fafsa early and don't delay in looking into scholarships and grants. Good luck future me; you're going to do great!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would most definitely tell myself that everything happens for a reason and to relax. During my senior year it was stressful to decide where to go to school, what to major in and the change in general was nerve-racking to think about. But as I begin my freshman year I am excited for the change from high school to university! So, I would let myself know that being stressed out only makes it harder and I should be excited!


If I were to go back in time and talk to my senior self, I'd start off by explaining how transitioning into college isn't as scary as it seems. As opposed to scary, the transition is filled with excitment, and a handful of learning experiences."Don't be nervous about making friends!", I'd exclaim. There's a student out there who's also searching for someone to go head first into this journey with. Moving onto campus, taking an eye-opening tour around the new city as well as exploring the buldings classes will be in, is all part of the excitment. Oh! And don't be afraid to enjoy campus activities and don't hesitate to become involved! Learning the best way to study, how to approach exams, and using the many resources provided, are essential to survival. Time management is the key to success and is very important to remember! Absorbing excitment and preparing for learning experiences all help when it comes to transitioning, however, I'd also say that discovering oneself and searching for the person you want to be, should be a main focus. Live, uncover paths, and graduate at your own pace.


Don't choose UK as your first school. It may seem prestigious and worth the money but you'll feel alone and it'll lead you down a path you'll forever regret. Don't spend money you don't have to impress people who don't really matter. Those best friends you have? They're not really your friends, don't change your goals to match up with theirs - you will only hate yourself for it. Try not to worry too much about your current love interest. While I know it may seem extremely crucial at the moment, dating will only get in the way of your coursework. Most of all, continue to love yourself because there will be countless times when you feel alone and find yourself with no one to turn to.


Jacob, prepare yourself fro the money situation and save save SAVE! You will need to pay for your future. When you've saved enough money then you can join a lot more extra activities and enjoy your college experience a lot more. Also continue to stay positive and trustung in God no matter what because you are a strong leader and will become a mighty man for God.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self, I would advise for me to challenge myself more. High school prepared me very well for college, and I could have taken much harder courses and still received a high GPA. I highly regret taking the known "easy" classes in college. Also, I would tell myself to do an internship or co-op before I graduate because they make a HUGE difference.


If i could go back in time, i would tell myself not to stress out as much. Eeverything will happen like it is suppose to. Enjoy the few years, months, or days you have left with all your highschool friends. Though being independent has its perks, you will miss not having to worry about money. Make sure and take atleast 15 credit hours if you want to graduate in four years. Get involved in campus activities. Talk more and step out of your comfort zone. Spend more time out of classes reading and doing home work. Highschool is nothing compared to what your about to step in to. Start studying for exams weeks ahead of time instead of pulling an all nighter before your hardest exam. Challange yourself. Ask for help when you need it. Dont listen to people when they say that your professors wont help, they will. Enjoy college, but make sure academics are you number one priority. After college, its out into the big world. Apply for every scholarship you can. Dont let money be the death of you. Enjoy the little things.