The biggest and best advice that I would give myself would be to practice the idea of self perseverance. In high school most students do not realize the amount of assisstance that is provided to them from teachers as well as the leniency. Then when you start college things are a little different. You do not always get more chances to turn in late assignments or constant reminders about upcoming due dates. Self perseverance is required greatly when attending online classes especially because you have to give yourself the constant reminders to make sure you stay on top of everything.
With what I now know, I would go back and tell myself to spend more time looking into scholarships. I have been lucky so far when it comes to money but I have reached the point where I now need to get more scholarships to help pay for college. I have never liked the concept of being in debt. I would also tell my past self that he is choosing the correct school to attend and that he should become involved in the department as soon as possible. It will help him a great deal when it comes to making new friends and in advacning his career.
College is a place where one has the opportunity to pursue their dreams. Every person has a passion for something and I believe high school is a great time to explore one's interests. If I could give my high school-self advice for college, I would push myself to explore the different career options I was interested in. I am currently undecided in my major for college, however, I do have two main interests: education and nutrition. If I could go back to high school, I would have done more to expand my knowledge about these two professions. I would have visited schools to observe teachers in the classroom and I would have visited hospitals to shadow a nutritionist. I feel that if I had done this, I would have had a greater understanding of both careers and perhaps would have been able to decide on my major and focus on my goal of earning my degree in this profession. It is never to early to discover one's passion!
Apply earlier! Not that school has become a struggle finicially or anything, but put in the effort, start the SATS and applications earlier so you/I can/could apply for some money. Care more, because you are so intelligent you can do some much more than what you're doing.
The advice that I would give myself knowing what I was getting myself into was trying harder in high school to get a full ride scholarship, start to save money up for college, learning all there is about student loans, and filling out more scholarship applications that I could. College is a great expereinse but in this economy it is very hard to fullfill your dream when you have bills to pay and food to put on the table while working full time. I would also advise to be prepared for the financial burdern that colelge will place on you.
I would tell myself to calm down. I rushed through high school way too fast. I pushed myself to graduate by the time I was 15. I just HAD to get to college and now that I am almost done, I wish I took the time to learn who I was before I came here. I wish I knew more about myself and what I liked and didnt like. It would have saved me from the extra year of college I now have to pay for.
Looking back at the transition between high school and college, the best advice I could give myself is to be outgoing and confident. I was always more shy in high school, and it isn't the best way to act when you're in a new situation with brand new faces. The key to having fun and enjoying college life is to meet new people constantly. I would also tell myself to learn to balance social life with school work. Even though it may be tempting to play volleyball or relax with friends until all hours of the night, you'll fall behind if you don't have that special balance of work and play. The last piece of advice I would give to myself would be to make sure that you find time for yourself. College is very stressful. You're finally on your own, and your parents are not there to help with anything. Responsibility can be overwhelming, but finding the time to have peace and quiet to relax will be the most beneficial part of the whole experience.
If I could go back to talk to my high school senior self I would tell myself to stop worrying. I was so nervous and scared for college because I was the first person in my family to attend college. I would tell myself that college isn't scary at all it's fun. You can choose your own classes, pick your class times, pick your professors, and even eat in class. Those things are fun for the first year of college but as you get older college is still fun because you are making your dreams come true. I would tell myself to get involved in the extracurricular activities and community service prjoects because you can remember those fun things for a lifetime. I would also tell myself to not be scared to make new friends because everyone that is a freshman is scared to make friends. Some of the friends you meet in college will be your friends forever. I would tell myself you are studying what you want to study, not what your parents want you to study. You have this sense of responsibility and adulthood that you've never felt before and it feels amazing.
Take chances! When I was in high school, I was so afraid of going after what I wanted in fear of failing/being rejected. I was even terrified of filling out scholarship applications because I was scared of not getting them. If I could talk to my high school self, I would tell her, "It doesn't matter if you get what you're going after or not. If you try and fail, try again, and eventually you'll find something. If you give up (or don't try at all), who's to know if that next try would've been the one in which you succeeded?" I would tell her to not be afraid of rejection, because everyone gets rejected at one point (or a million points) in their lives. I would also take this opportunity to tell her that college gives you a lot more freedom than you're expecting and not to abuse it. Education is more important than partying, but letting yourself relax every now and then isn't a bad thing. Lastly, I would simply tell her to enjoy the wild, crazy ride that is college life!
If I could go back and talk to my high school self I would definitely stress taking school a lot more serious and not focus too much on the partying aspect of college. You can still have fun while also seriously focusing on your school work. I would also tell myself to seriously think about what it is you want to do in the future so you aren't wasting so much money and time on something you don't love and don't want to do the rest of your life.