The advice I would give myself is do not loose sight of yourself in the transation. I think that college changes people with the amount of freedom and opportunities that it is easy for one to loose who they are and just follow the crowd. You dont always have to be doing something somewhere all the time. Also remember self value dont let people take advantage of you. You are your biggest cheerleader and you know what you deserve and dont desreve. Remember that everyone is not your friend so be mindful who you trust and who allow to come into your life. No one can hurt you unless you give them the power to hurt you.
I would give my self the advice to make sure I prioritize assignments at the begginging of class! It is always so helpful to have an agenda and reminders for upcoming tests and quizzes because some professors rely strcitly on students knowing their syallabus. Also I would say to my self take some time to apply for scholarships any spare time that you have! The expenses will be more than you could ever imagine and you will need the support. One last word of advice would be to not commit myself to too many things. I have a tendency to make to many commitments and stress myself out... college is not the time for that. Enjoy it
Dear Assata,
I'm glad you are taking the time to read this letter. I understand you think you can always figure things out on your own because of how independent you like to be, but sometimes you have to let go and allow people to help ypu. we all need help sometime and there is nothing wrong with that. In college eventhough you like to do things for yourself you are going to ask for a little help here and there because things are not always going to be easy for you to figure out on your own and it is totally ok to say yes i do not understand please help me. you do not have to be afriad about starting College. all the professors are there to help you. There are so many resources avaliable to you so you need to stop worrying about what if you do not keep up with your work or do not understand what the professors expects of you. you are a self motivator which is going to come in handy because no one is going to tell you when to do you school work you. importnatly be open to new expericnce.
SAVE YOUR MONEY! I would tell myself to make sure that, once I had my disability check transfered into my name, to make sure I didn't do so much pointless spending. I would put up so much more money to cushion my self in case something bad were to occur
The hardest thing to do is starting college as a working adult. Take the time now to explore your college life by working hard and getting the degree now. If you stop in the middle and think I can always go back then you better have a plan ready before that decsion to stop is made. The longer you wait the harder it is.
High school was a breeze for me. Classes seemed easy, I never had to study, I rarely did homework, and I graduated with honors. But all along the way, every single teacher I had would tell the class, "In college, you are going to have to study, so you better start now." It seemed as if not one single student took these teachers seriously. I know I didn't. I continued my bad studying habits, graduated with honors, went to college for a year and totally blew it. I failed a class, withdrew from another, and dropped out of engineering school. Now I'm working as hard as I can, just trying to make sure I am in good standing with the university. So if I could go back in time, I think it's obvious that I would smack my former self in the face and say, "Listen to your teachers, because if you don't learn how to study now, you will have to learn next year, while going to school full time and working full time, a nearly impossible task." Hopefully my ignorant high school self might listen!
I think that the first thing I would tell myself is to be patient. College is not something that you want to rush through. I would also tell me to save money and be smart about spending because every penny you have coming out of college will be helpful. Also, make sure that you know what you want to go to school for. It can get expensive and time consuming when you start dropping classes or changing your major. Changing your major isnt a bad thing but it can often slow the process of you obtaining a career. Lastly, I would tell myself to live, love and lead. Live your life and have fun. College is a great experience. Love all your friends and family. College is most likely when youll meet your best friends or spouse. Be a great leader. There can never be enough positive role models. Do good while your here on this earth and help as many people as you can.
Be strong, Ashlee, but also be weak. You've spent the last six years of your life taking care of yourself, protecting your wild older sister from your mother's disapproving looks, and working everyday so you can help ease your struggling family's financial burden. You didn't allow youself to be confused because you didn't see anyone to keep you afloat but you're in high school! There are literally people being paid to take care of you. Raise your hand. Get comfortable in your sweats, messy hair and a book in your hand, it's gonna be your daily look. Study. Keep your nose in those books. Maybe you won't be prom queen but you won't have to work overtime every week to pay for tuition. Maybe you won't have time for Saturday's party but you'll be volunteering, exercising, and living for your peers. This is high school, the last time somebody is going to grab your wrist and point the way. Take advantage of those people. Ask for help. Be brave! Be afraid. Be excited. It's going to be fun! So raise your hand.
I would tell myself that I need to try harder in class. I could have taken advance placement classes that would of counted as college credits, but I wanted to take an easy senior year. I would also tell myself to enjoy my life as it is because it is still very easy and shelter compared to what it becomes. Everything that ever happens in high school always seemed to be the end of the world when in reality it is just a small piece of your life. Another helpful hint would to take chances. I didn't take many chances the past few years. Whether it was applying for jobs, joining clubs, or being a part of extracurricular activities. I took a chance applying at Fidelity Investments for a temporary job and got it. I joined a intramural basketball team and made it to the playoffs. Just like applying for this scholarship, I've taken many more chances and it was worked out very well.
I would have spoken to my parents about the option to go to college. I am the very first person in my immediate family as well as my cousin, aunts, uncles, etc to go to college. My parents never once mentioned college. It was always assumed that I would just go into the working field making minimum wage like everyone else did in the small town where I live. So I never really tried to hard in high school. I was smart, but I should have actually cared about my grades and school work. I should have talked to my guidance couselor about what it takes to go to vocational school and I should have done it. I didn't even know about vocational school until my junior year, which made it too late to be involved in it. I should have done a lot of things, but I am also happy where I stand. I have my three year old son and doing it alone, making excellent grades in my first two semesters.