Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Kentucky University know before they start?


To take every opportunity given to you because you never know what will come of it and it never hurt to try. There are so many advatages of getting as involved as you can and joining organizations that have your interest. I have gotten really involved on campus and enjoyed every bit of it and it has provided me with the best experiences of my life.


I would tell myself to take it the exact same way. I am very happy with the college I chose and so far my Accounting major choice as well. I feel I adapted well and quickly to the changes of college.


If I could go back I would tell myself to learn how to study because college is hard and in order to do well you need to study. I would also tell myself to look for scholarships, grants, and a job because college is exspensive.


I think the best thing I have learned at college so far is responsibility. I'm only a freshman in my second semester, but I already understand how important responsibility is. I'm not living at home so I don't have anyone telling me what to do or how to balance my time. I've learned that I am responsible for ME and I am my own boss. Its up to me to be successful in college. I've also enjoyed being on my own too. I like the independence that I have now, but I know that you cannot have true independence without responsibility.


I have had the opportunity to direct my own education, choosing classes that have interested me. I have made good friends and been introduced to opportunites that will be beneficial to me later in life as well as opportunites I want to pursue. I plan to be an educator so I am happy that I have the chance to attend somewhere that is new and offers new learning expereinces to carry into my career field. I am also grateful to be near a major city with brings great internships and cultural opportunities.


I can handle anything that others can’t. I want to make my SKILL a profession that everyone else think is very hard to do. I know I can do the hardest thing in finance and achieve above a 3.0 GPA. I want to make a ton of money when school is all said and done. The things I want in life require a budget that going to school for a long time and doing well, it will all pay off one day when I get my doctorate. I will do anything in my power to not have to drop out of school because I can’t afford it. That’s far from my option. That’s unsuccessful. I am DETERMINED to do this and I doubt anything will stop me. I will find ways to pay for school even if I have to eliminate my fun and work. My college education is MY LIFE and that’s what makes me happy. In ten years from now, I would like to look back at today and laugh about how I struggled and prove how hard work pays off when you give it your all for a long time.


I am just going back after a three year break so I am still getting to know my new school. I like it, though. Everyone is really nice.


I have gotten a lot out of attending college. Learning more about that I want to major in. Sociology is the best thing for a Social Worker because you learn how groups work, but also physiology is also a main thing because you learn how individuals work. The main thing is that when you attend college your looking for a better life in the future with a career you love. Also, to better better yourself in achieving a major goal to graduate and have a job that you will enjoy doing for the rest of your love.


I have received a better understanding of the world and it has enlightened me in all aspects of life. Prior to college, different subjects seemed isolated from one another, almost as if different colors did not transition from one another on the spectrum. These different subjects that I once thought were wildly different began to bleed together in a way that I believed few could see. Unlike many aspects in life, college is there for one to grow intellectually. My mind was thirsty for knowledge after being bored throughout highschool and I was able to quench that thirst. The college experience has taught me responsibility, independence, and most importantly, motivation. I have never been so motivated to learn more than what I have felt during college and I cannot imagine my life without such drive. Most people decided to stop growing and to settle, I have chosen to expand at a substantial rate.


There are so many things that I have gotten out of my college experience. Friends, opportunites, and the things I learned are just a few. The ability to use higher level thinking in ways that I never thought possible is probably the most valuable reason to attend college.