Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Kentucky University know before they start?


If I could do it all over again I would visit the campus more than once and try to attend a class or two. My first through third choices didn't fit me or my budget, and then I found NKU! Transferring is tough, time consuming, and costly so finding the right school in the beginning will save you from those things. I am now in my fifth year because I didn't find NKU untill last semester, and I wish I had found it in the beginning. So start early and research! Think about what you might want out of your college before you go and visit, then VISIT and ask questions so that your dream college fits your potential college and not the other way around!


If the student isn't going to go away for college then they need to live on or near campus. Part of growing is leaving the house. This can be a good transition for students and parents. Students need to be envolved in something besides classes. If sports are you then some kind of extra curicular activity to stay well rounded and productive.


My advice for parents or future college students for making the most of their college experience is to just have fun. Parents this is your time for a break, let your student go and grow into the wonderful young woman/man that they are meant to be. College is a great time for experiencing new things and growing more independent. Students and Parents, make sure you research before applying to the school of your dreams. You need to make sure that the school has the major that you plan on doing and the classes that you need to get your degree. To the students: Make sure that your choice was made for you and for you only. Make sure that you are going to be happy when you choose the right college for you, because if you don't like it; it will just make your experience worse. Overall, just make college a fun, enjoyable, and memorable experience. Make new friends, get to know your professors, get involved with your school and keep life adventurous!! ENJOY IT WHILE IT LASTS!!!


Work hard. Don't get caught up in the party scene. It's all good to have fun on the weekends but only when the work is finished. Don't skip class because the classes here at Northern Kentucky University are small enough that when you're absent they will notice. Focus on school and being successful.


The best advice I can give anyone trying to pick a university is to make the decision for yourself, not for anyone else. So many people choose colleges/degrees for the wrong reasons either due to friends or family. If you make the decision for yourself you are so much more likely to be happy and succeed in your school career.


I would tell them to look for a college that is affordable and cares about its students. Also look for a college that fits your kind of personality and prefrences and dont settle for any kind of college. It is one of the most important decisions you make and it has to be a good one.


The best advice that I can give parents and students alike about choosing the right college and making the most of their college experience is to begin searching Colleges and University's early in High School. Do not wait until the last minute and be forced to choose a college because you have to meet a deadline. Make a list of all the important things you want out of a college and your college experience. Take this list with you when you take your visits to your selected college's and compare what each college has to offer. Also, be sure to have more than one major area of study in which you may want to pursue. Again, compare each college's and what they can offer you. To make the most out of your experience be sure to be active within clubs and find community service opportunities that are available in the area. Don't be confined to your dorm room, college only last a short while. Find yourself by being active and challenge yourself and you will find out a lot about who you are as a person.


You form life long friendships, grow and develop into an adult while attending college, especially at NKU


Do research on the program you are interested in and check out the campus thoroughly. Find out how big the classes are because one on one help is sometimes needed and smaller classes can make you feel more comfortable to ask questions or participate freely. Also get involved or find away to get to know people because it makes the experience a lot easier and a lot more fun.


Find a place that has a good teacher to student ratio, plenty of extracuricullar activities, and excels in the programs you're interested in. It's also important to find out what there is to do on and off campus so that you can determine whether or not the environment is best for you. While in college I encourage you to form study groups and meet with them on a regular basis. Make sure you join up with people who seem to understand the material and know how to communicate it to you in a way that you understand it. Study groups are also best when they consist of at least 3-4 people and no more than 5. This will help you stay on task and it will also be easier to find a time when everyone can meet.