Always work hard. Don't slack off. In college, it's extremely easy to get lazy, but that's no excuse to do so. Now more than ever, your good performance is important. You don't have your parents around to kick you into gear, so you have to do it yourself. Also, studying is way more essential than it was in high school. In college, it is practically a requirement; you may not have needed to study often or at all in high school, but you will now. Having fun is important, too, but be sure to always set aside time for school work, even if you have to lock yourself away from the rest of the world.
If I could go back and talk to myself I would tell myself to work even harder than I did to prepare for the drastic change in how hard I needed to work. I would tell myself to look into different ways of studying because in college the same way will not work for every subject. I would also tell myself to be prepared for the different social aspects of college. They are not the same as high school. You can make friends in high school just like that but in college you have to be ready to put yourself out there a little more in order to make new friends. Finally, I would tell myself to just work through it all because in the end it will all be well worth while.
In knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, the advice that I would've given to myself as a high school senior would be to talk to current college students in the major that I was looking at to find out what they liked and didn't like about it. I would also tell myself to allocate hours dedicated to studying over the material learned during class. One important thing I would tell myself would be to find out from professors if there was any extra work I could do to get more practice especially if it was a subject I was struggling with. Another important piece of advice I would give myself would be to be absolutely certain about the major I picked instead of settling. This could've been done by looking at possible jobs that I would've been interested in post-college. I would definitely tell myself to have fun in college, whether it's going to sporting events or playing intramural sports, but not so much that it takes into my time of studying.
Kayla, I know you have no idea what is about to happen to your life in the next four years but believe me when I say that it's goin to be the best experience you will ever experience. You will have many ups as well as many downs, but you will always rise above it all. It will be events that will try to hold you back from accomplishing your goals, always remember that this is bigger than you, it's for your family as well. I know that right now, there is so much pressure, stress, and anxiety, getting accepted in schools, prom, work, and life in general, stay strong but also enjoy it because it will happen so fast. Once you are in college remember to stay focus on your studies but also have s good social life. I know that some people are saying that you need to rush and decide a major but don't listen, it will come to you, when the time is right. Kayla, it's so much more that I can say to you but I want you to leave with this message always keep God first and keep the faith.
Be sure to live up your college life. Things will be difficult and sometimes you may feel like giving up, but don't. Live at home with mom and dad as long as possible. Do not rush yourself to grow up, you have the rest of your life for that. Northern Kentucky University is a great place. Do not second guess yourself, you are going into a great profession and the profession that is best for you. Everything works out by graduation. Quite worrying and just enjoy your time there.
"College is a fresh start; expand your horizons, meet new people, take advantage of opportunities, have fun, but on top of everything- stay dedicated!" This is what I would tell myself as a high school senior, summed up in a nutshell. College is a time in your life that can really shape who you are. It is such a diverse and opportunistic environment that should be fully taken advantage of, but it is what you make of it. Take classes that you enjoy to help you stay focused. Get involved in campus activities and organizations in order to give you a break from school and meet new friends. Avoid procrastination as much as possible- it will come back to haunt you and steal your sleep! Enjoy yourself; these are your last few years to enjoy being a student before having to go off and get a “big girl” job. Most importantly, amongst having fun, stay dedicated to your school work and achieve those A’s. Learning is a privilege that you are paying a lot of money for- don’t waste it away by taking the easy way out!
What I would go back and tell myself is that I should work to my fullest potential. All the bad things that happened during high school is just lessons that you would learn to help you with the future. I would also say that the major I chose was way more difficult then I thought but with my potential I can do whatever I put my mind to.
I would tell myself to go to the big college I got accepted to and worry about the money later.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to do what my heart tells me. It's so hard not to buckle under pressure of your peers, school load, parents but do what I think is right for ME. I would tell myself to go for it. Try everything at least once. How will you know you like/don't like it if you don't try it? Meet as many people as you can. Put yourself out there and embrace who you are and who you have become. Lastly, I would tell myself to love who you are.
I believe that starting your education at a community college to start off, isn't a bad idea it's actually good. It's good for the following three reasons: save money, get your general studies classes all done, and it also gives you time to think about what you want to major in, if you're undecided. Colleges and Universities aren't cheap, so I believe by attending to a community college first it will help you save a lot of money. Before entering college, students aren't really sure in what they want to major in, so the best advice is to go to a community college and take general classes and by experiencing different classes you will figure out where do you find your best interest in. You will decide then if you want to continue your education in that field; so you take all your basics at a community college and then transfer out to a university and continue your career. So at the end you have made accomplishments, which are, saved two years of money, found your career, and you received a Bachelor's Degree in your field.