Having all this freedom in college is so hard to maintain and not take advantage of. Sometimes you'll get a professor that doesn't take points off your grade if you don't attend class. Other times, your essay won't be due until midnight on Sunday, so that means you can go out both Friday and Saturday night because the essay isn't due till Sunday night, right? You're presented with so many more responsibilites and challenges that come along with having all this freedom that you didn't have the luxury of having during high school. Don't spiral out of control because of this. When all of your friends are skipping Psychology and going out to Chipotle for lunch instead, go to class! You could miss an opportunity for extra credit that day, or an entire chapter of notes that the professor isn't going to post online. It is much easier to fall behind in your classes than catch up and keep a high grade. Use common sense, and in the end, you will realize that attending class or staying in and finishing homwork instead of going out and partying was worth it.
If I could go back and give advice, I would tell myself to keep doing what I'm doing. There is not a need to explain on advice because different things can happen at any time where you need to expect the unexpected. Life is full of surprises and I think it would be more exciting to tell my high school self to just live life to the fullest and have fun responsibly. That's the only advice I could give which is honestly the best advice in my perspective.
Dear Kala,
It is I, yourself, from the future and I have some good news: you are going to succeed! Those fears you had of going away to school were not just. You are very much capable of living on your own, and handling those social anixeties you've had for so long. Guess what? It gets better! Your mind will be blown by the fact that you have in fact earned yourself an Associates Degree and are on your way to getting a Bachelors Degree. And guess what that Bachelor's degree is in? Studio visual arts! You are continuing your journey in the art field with even some stints in having your artwork shown in galleries. Way to go! And for the first time you are beginnig to become happy with yourself not only in your decisions but as a person. And that was the most important thing I want out of our futures: to finally be happy in whatever we're doing. And the future is bright in this aspect. You will be so proud of yourself and the work ethic, indepence, clarity, and heart you've gained from attending collage. You are making it!
If I could talk to myself as a high school senior knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition I would tell myself that I was making the right decision. I would advise myself to be more confident in college. I was bullied in high school and went into college very self-conscious and fearful it would continue. I was never bullied in college and was blown away with how friendly the students at my University were. I would tell myself to take pride in my accomplishments and to get excited for all the amazing experiences that await me. I would tell myself that going to Northern Kentucky University is the best decision I have ever made for myself. I would tell myself to stay confident, calm, and proud. I don’t have any negatives to tell myself, I have had an incredible college experience and would not trade it for anything in the world.
If I was able to go back in high school and give myself some advice it would be to study and work hard for the best grades I could achieve. I would apply for all scholarships I could and colleges I could. Right out of high school I had no idea what I wanted to do. If I had the option I would try to do more things so that I could get an idea of what I wanted to do.
I would tell myself to be more inwardly motivated. So that I am able to motivate myself and be able to do the things necessary and not put them off and procrastinate. Also, to take the process of getting into college very seriously and try and make it so you will not being paying for college for a majority of your life.
When I was in high school, I really didnt know that much of what college was going be about. Now that I'm in college I have the chance of knowing it better. If I had the chance to go backin time when i was in high school . I would first say go online in look up all the scholarships you can find. Then I would say don't buy the book until you know that you really need it. Research the major that you really want to take class for because it might be difficult to get in the group or class. Used all you resources that you have at the school to help you with your process through college. You should study every day, dont wait till the last minuite to do an assignment or study for a test. I would also tell myself to use rate my professor when picking the best teacher for your class.
If I could go back in time and give any advice to my past high school self I would tell myself to get involved when you get to college! Aside from the obvious goal of receiving an education I believe that it is very important to involve yourself in campus life. I myself am a commuter student at NKU so making those connections outside of the class room with my peers is hard. The best way someone who is coming in as a freshman is to get involved. There are so many different clubs and organizations on campus for you to choose from. These organizations not only help you make connections and friends but they also teach responsibility and leadership skills.
Education is a value that we all should take advantage of. I know this first hand because I withdrew from Northern Kentucky University my freshman year in 1998. It took me ten years to go back to college and continue my education. I have a daughter and work part time as well attempting twelve semester hours as a full time student. If I could go back in time, I woud tell myself to finish school and never give up; take your education seriously because you never know where life can take you. Success comes by accomplishing personal goals, taking risks and learning from our mistakes, which will only make us stronger.
Do Not let this oppurtunity slip away!!!! Their are many people out there who wish they can further their education. People fighting for education. We are very priviliged here in the I absolutely love attending Class and learning about things Iam passionate about. To be in an environment with Other's who feel the same way gives you quite a rush I wish I had made the choice when I was still young. It's an amazing feeling to become Educated about something you love, to earn a degree to work in a field where you will paid good money and enjoy doing what you do! Start looking into Colleges now. College is Awesome!