Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Kentucky University know before they start?


One major piece of advice I would give my high school senior self, is to dedicate more time to applying for scholarships. While senior year is meant to be fun, it is also a time to prepare your self for your future and for myself, that meant college. I would stress that you can never apply for too many scholarships because the more you apply for, the bigger the chance you have at winning more scholarship money. I would also tell myself that all of the stereotypes about poor college students are definitely true, and that I need to save more money. While studying to get that higher education, it becomes very stressful on a college student that money is such a huge issue. Whether it's getting more money to pay for tutition, or money to buy gas when visiting home, as a college student you really start to see how money effects your everyday living and the struggle to find a successful balance of work, school, and what little leisure time you may miraculously have time for.


Assuming that I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I would give myself advice-not only limited to the college life and experience, but also pertaining to life in general and the experiences and the knowledge derived through those experiences. Looking back I notice that the main focus, up until my senior year of highschool, wasn't really about 'school'. It was about the social aspect that came along with school (inside of the classroom, and out). I would tell myself otherwise and express the importance of school and doing it the right way. I would tell myself to know and to trust in 'work hard, play even harder' and only in time will I grow to understand 'WHY'.


I would tell myself to not be afraid to branch out of my small town and that sometimes it's the best way to find out who I really am. I would tell myself to actually try for scholarships and not assume that they will fall into my lap. Trying to pay for college is really tough and some times impossible. I would want myself to know that just because all my high school friends are going to a certain college doesn't mean I have to follow. I will find more and truer friends than the ones in high school. I would also tell myself that everything will eventually work itself out and finally fall into place.


I would tell myself to do not suffer in silence instead of asking for help. I know I want to do everything on my own and how I feel that I need to do everything on my own without help for others, but I am still young and there are people who love you and want to help. If you do not let them, you will make several failures in your college years. You need to admit when you need help and ask.


If I could go back and tell myself anything as a senior, it would be to relax and major in what I love. I started out as a nursing major in order to please my parents, but I quickly realized it was not for me. Now I couldn't be happier with what I am majoring in, Social Studies Education, and I wish I could tell myself that my parents are okay with it too.


Have fun. Get to know yourself. Go against the grain. Give 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} - always. Use the resources your college provides for you. Get to know your instructors and the other people in your program - they will be there with you every step of the way; no matter how hard it gets, they'll understand. Step out of your comfort zone and try new things! Look at the world through open eyes often. Study abroad, even if just for a couple of weeks. Take life slowly - don't try to rush these years. Be grateful for what you have and give back by volunteering. Head home for school breaks and have deep conversations with your parents. Learn about every single thing you can. Study hard and study smart, but don't forget to take time to enjoy college life. Exercise - you won't have a free gym available forever, plus, it makes you feel good! Stay grounded but know that you are special and irreplaceable. Be graceful. Love and respect yourself!


I would tell myself to make more connections. Now that I'm in my second year of college, connections are everything. I wish I had networked more and took advantage of my high school's resources. I would tell myself to go the extra mile to connect with teachers and faculty (these people are valuable for both letters of recommendation and life lessons in general). I would tell my senior-self, as well as others, to make valuable connections during this final year of high school.


The first thing I would say to myself as a senior is not to put off going to school. I would tell myself not to let the fear of failure stop me from doing what I want to do in my life. I would really encourage myself to go to school and enjoy the wide variety of activities that were available and to enjoy life. Most importantly I would tell myself not to set limits on what I could accomplish and what I could be.


As a college student , the advice I would choose to give to my past self as a high school Senior is to network with the small class around me. As a college student finishing up the first semester I realize networking is a tool used to make life alot more beneficial and easier, I believe its the secret to discovering oppurtunities, such as jobs, internships, and even love and friendships. I would also add on to work hard on scholarships, paying for college isn't as easy, earn more credibilty, build on reccommendation, and draw and practice alot more. Lastly I'd tell him, don't to be a sucker for love, when you meet a female companion.


Follow your dreams, it will be an easy adjustment from highschool to college. Do not let the nay sayers around you bring you down and change your mind. Follow the path you have worked so hard for, your family will ultimately thank you for making your decisions to continue your education. Do not try to carry the weight of the world on your own and abandon your future endevours. You have the skills and knowledge to succeed in college, just do it and finish it. Dont stop, dont get side tracked, keep your focus, and all will turn out better then you know.