College is not as hard as everyone makes it out to be. All you have to do is come to class and turn your work in on time. I would reccomend high school students take as many AP and honors classes, to be more prepared, because it does help.
If I could go back in time to speak to my high school senior self, I would be very honest about what I had to reveal. I would tell myself to be more prepared upon entering college, and not to worry about loosing my high school friends; they are going to be around longer than I think! I would tell myself to not be nervous, because it's not going to be that bad. I would reassure myself that I do have to confidence to do this, and that support is everywhere. I would admit to myself that I should probably not order pizza 4 times a week. I would explain that my worst fear, is also every other college students worst fear as well; it is going to be the foundation of many friendships to come. Finally, I would tell myself to just relax; college is going to go by quickly, so enjoy it while you can!
If I were to go back in time as a high school senior, knowing what I know now, I would definitely make a bigger effort to study hard and get better grades. I would ask for tutoring or help from teachers in classes I had difficulties. I would also be more involved in groups and community based organizations. My first year of college would have been much easier if I had made my senior year of high school more of a priority and I would have been further along by now in gaining a successful career.
If I were to go back to my senior year and give myself advice about college, there are several tips I would share. First, I would tell myself to make friends as soon as possible when I get to campus. The best way to adjust to college life is to put yourself out there and meet new people - chances are they're feeling the same way you are about the whole situation. Second, I would also tell myself to be ready for roommates who don't exactly see the way I do- I still have to live with them regardless of my feelings toward them. A final piece of advice I would share would be to take every opportunity that presents itself to me on campus. Learn new things, enjoy the little time I have there, and get to know people who can help me succeed. I would push myself to take classes which were more suited to my interests and work as hard as possible to get good grades. These tidbits of information, among others, would be the advice I would share with my high school senior self.
Work hard, don't slack, and takes things seriously. You can't go back and fix your GPA, try your hardest, push yourself, and you'll be surprised at what you can accomplish. Never say you can't do something, because you can.
I would advise myself to take my time when choosing a school tand to stay 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} committed to my studies.
The first advice I would give myself is never stop, even if you have no idea what you want to end up doing. And, I might have tried to talk myself into going away from home for college to broaden my worldly experiences even more.
I would advise myself to not worry about what other poeple think of me. Most of these poeple you wil never see again in life and are therefore insignificant in the decisions that you make to better yourself. I would also advise myself not to take out so many student loans but instead to work and pay cash for school. Student loans are horrible on a recent graduate that does not make a lot of money. It's out right depressing. With all of this being said, keep your head up and keep striving for what you want out of life. Let no one hold you back. Speak positive statements about life.
I would have liked to tell myself to study a little harder. If i would have studied a little harder maybe money for school would have came easier and picking schools also would have been easier. I also would have loved to tell myself to try a little harder and explain how important school really is. I think i took it as a joke and never tried to attempt to get extra money or even loans. I just blew it off. I just wished I would have taken it more seriously than I did. If i would have studied a little harder and thought about school more I would definetly be better off than i am now. I wish i really could go back, life would be easier.
In highschool, I did not know what I wanted to do after I graduated. I looked at my various interests, such as art, theatre and literature. As I questioned what to do with my life, I questioned what college to attend. I decided upon NKU because it advertised how well it worked with students who were 'Undecided/Undeclaired'-which is exactly what I would be entering college as. Going to NKU gave me the chance to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do. If I were asked to make this descion again, I would once again say yes. The atmosphere at Northern Kentucky University has helped me find myself through the classes I've taken, the professors I've had, and the friends I've met. I have found myself at NKU, and would not trade my found identity as a Costume Designer for anything.