Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Kentucky University know before they start?


I would say one of the main key is to make sure you have time to visit your university that you are considering. Another key is to check to see if they offer any type of grants or loans that could help your college funds. Antoher key I would say is to check out the campus housing on and off campus as well check into jobs on and off campus that could help students with college expensives.


Make sure you find the right college thats has exactly what you want. Be sure they have the major you are interested in and programs or futher education opportunities for when you graduate. Get involved in your school and make your college experience as memorable as possible.


Finding the right college is something that cannot really be acheived simply or without any time spent at a given college. There are obvious things to take into consideration such as available majors, the size of the campus, extracurricular activities and so forth. However there are plenty of social issues that cannot be determined until one has spent time in his or her chosen campus. The best advice then would be to not consider one's stay at a college as permanent. It should never be forgotten that one can move to a different campus if need be. That said, every student should try his or her best to make the most of the college experience. The easiest way to do this is to get to know one's peers and faculty. With them as guides the pathways to community events and better educational opportunities will suddenly appear. College depends on what the student is willing to put into it. Seeking out opportunity and friendship are the best things any incoming student could do to make his or her college experience the best it could possibly be.


College is about the experience. It seems many parents/incoming students are so focused on the academics aspect of college that some almost "cripple" themselves from receiving all that college can truly offer. The phrase, "It's not what you know, it's who you know," applies more than ever today when it comes to finding a quality job and beginning a career. Networking is vital for our success as a new generation soon to enter the work force. College campuses provide one of the best, if not the best, networking opportunities. Once out of college, having friends in all different areas and professions becomes more valuable than any knowledge gained from listening to a lecture or reading a textbook. College needs to be more than just academics. Parents and students need to keep in mind what college is preparing students for, the "real" world. What better way to prepare for the real world than to have "real" experiences with "real" people? College educates new generations on how socialize, think, eat, and sleep. College teaches us how to live and gives us endless tools to use to live successfully. The challenge for students is utilizing every tool it provides.


Go with what feels right to you. If you can do that, everything else will fall into place.


I would suggest choosing a school that has plenty of majors that interest you. More often than not, students deviate from their original major, so it is important to have back-ups available to you. Choose a school that is comfortable for you; in other words, make sure you're comfortable with the class sizes, campus housing, activities, and most importantly, the types of students that attend there. Try not to limit yourself by only choosing schools within your budget; scholarships and grants are out there, you just have to find them and apply. Try taking a variety of classes; you'll find school more engaging if your not only taking classes related to your major. Most importantly, choose a campus where you can enjoy yourself; a campus that has fun activities and groups, concerts and sporting events. Don't just go to get a degree, go to experience life.


Look at the professors you will be studying with in your field of study. They are the ones you have to live with for 4 years, so pick them well. Also take a look at where the campus is located. Know what you want in the community your college is in and look for a college that fits that. Look at the excess of partying going on at the school, because partying isn't good for producing good study habits.


Make sure that it provides the major that you want. Safety is a must for the students. Campus life is another aspect to look at for those who want to be active. The last thing is to look at the schools overall reputation in accademics.


I feel that when you are looking for a University it should be 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} up to the student an not the parents. The student is the one who is going to be at the campus not the paretns. I dont think there should even be a money issue, that tells the kids they cannot go to a certain school because of how much it costs. Education is what kids have been learing ever since they were young an I dont feel like parents should be a limit on how much or how far they want there kids to go. Also the best way to ever get a collgeg experience is to live on campus and get involved! There is thousands of thins going on everyday and for people to say they are bored is bogus.


College is an experience that defines who one will be while providing a portal into the rest of your life. It is difficult to navigate larger colleges, if from a more rural setting, and adjust to the slower pace of a rural college, if from an urban setting. Most importantly, remember that decisions made now affect future plans. Often freshman do poorly, I was one, without realizing the impact this has on being accepted into a graduate program or on future employment. Sometimes GPA is the deciding factor in who gets a position. Most importantly, choose a college that fits the student, not the parent. Also, support the student in their choices. Often student's will make poor decisions but still want their parent's support, not their criticism. Parents, let go of your children. It is time they stand on their own two feet, they do not need their hand held but they may need you to help them back up if they fall.