The student must get involved! It is their life, and their future. The college experience should not be based on how much fun you had either. I mean a student needs to look at where he/she will feel most comfortable at and can focus on their homework first.
Be aware of classroom sizes and costs. Student to teacher ratio is very important.
Make sure that you align yourself with a school that has the same goals that you want to aspire to. Make sure that you visit the campus to get a real feel of what the people and campus life are like. Also, I would highly recommend sitting in on a class. That is the best way to see the teaching styles of the professors, and the small class size. The School is more than williing at any given time to acommodate those interested in applying.
visit a lot of different schools and asses your needs and wants. Make a decision not only on what school offers the best academic programs but which offeres the best social aspects as well. A nice balance is needed.
I would tell parents and future college students to be open minded. I would also tell them to check out options until you get a real feel for the campus and the atmosphere. Also always take expense into account, if you are strapped for cash live at home for a year or two, transferring is always an option!
I think that you must weight what is most important to you in a college. There are things you can compromise on, but you should not compromise on any of your top three requirements. If you being to settle on a college instead of staying strong, you will be completely unsatisfied.
I would tell them to apply to as many colleges you can. Then based apon the ones that the student is accepted to, narrow your choices down to the top three, that you are going to consider. Basing the decicision upon what will be the best fit for you. Please, make sure you visit the college campuses, in the process staying overnight if you can. This will help you get the feel of what it will be like during the school year, if you plan on staying on campus. Then after visiting the colleges choose the one that you the student feel you would enjoy the most, but keep in mind your parents advice as well. Then make the decision based as a family. I've found that this process works the best in finding and picking your college.
Don't slack off freshman year!
Don't choose a school because of there accidemics or size, let your child choose it because its someplace they will feel welcome at and have the motivation to work hard.
I would say look at all the schools you can, it really does make a difference. Visit schools you are really interested in, so you get a feel of the school and the people. Once you are in school the best advice is to get involved in activities offered, not necessarily Greek life (unless it's for you), but all the different activities that are offered by the school. It allows you to meet more people and provides great networking opportunities.