Pennsylvania College of Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pennsylvania College of Technology know before they start?


You will have to study. If you don't then you won't get the most out of your educztion. This is going to be your job for the next two to four years. You have to make the best of it. That doesn't mean you can't get involved in clubs or sports or a social life, but you must find the balance in all of it. You have to make time to do your school work and make time to do the social things that colleges offer.


I would tell my younger self that you need to start looking for scholarships and grants now, because you can't rely on just loans. Find everything you can on them, because you will be struggling to get back in this college. Get as much help as possible in math, because you will struggle with it later on in college. Look up technology thngs everyday, get more of a feeling for it. Save up more money and get Apple Mac Pro laptop, there is nothing wrong with this one, but a Mac will help you in your major better. Dont worry things will get better, but you could've been more prepaired for this a while ago.


I would tell myself to enjoy high school a little more. I was part of a work study program in my senior year. Because of this, I missed a lot of school activities. Although I enjoyed working and it helped confirm my career path, I feel that I missed something. I do not have a strong connection with my high school. I worked during the days and weekends. I became independent earlier than my friends. I would remind myself that you are only young once so enjoy it.


Dear Younger Shelby, do not to worry so much about the things in life you can not change, but instead to embrace any situation you have the power to impact in a positive way. Do not feel the pressure to make everyone happy, you are only one person and there are only twenty four hours in one day. It is so important to live each day for what it is worth and not be filled with the worries of tomorrow. College has been and will continue to be an exciting journey. Just remember that college is an important and life changing experience and it is important to enjoy all of it, even the stressful moments. When you are feeling stressed, stop and take three deep breathes. It is funny how something so simple as breathing can make you feel better. Besides school work, it will be hard to leave your family, but remember you are doing it to better your life and explore what life holds. Be sure to always stay true to yourself and never change who you are for anyone. Life is what you make of it, and believe me, there are so many wonderful things to make.


Dear Amanda, Enjoy this upcoming time in your life, as a college student. In high school, you were still dependent and unsure. After college, you will be depended on, extremely busy, and still very unsure. During your college years, however, you will have freedom, certainty, and joy. Classes and schoolwork will need to be a priority, of course. Possibly even a part time job. The rest of your time, however, will not be filled up with bills and appointment and job responsibilities (or worse - a job search). The rest of your time, in college, will be filled with friends, late nights, parties, weekend adventures, laughs, and more inside jokes than you will ever remember. Do not rush through this time or wish it away. You may not recognize the gift that is college while you are in the moment, but believe me, you will be grateful for, and perhaps miss, those days when you are busy as a career-woman, wife, and mother. Perhaps those memories will spur you on to graduate school!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell me not to worry so much. I was so scared coming into college that I wouldn't be able to make friends or that I would be too overwhelmed with school work to have a social life or stay active. I proved myself wrong. I was able to have a social life and keep up with my school work all while staying healthy. I have found that I'm better at time management than I ever thought I could be. I'm proud of myself for this. I would be sure to tell myself not to slack off and procrastinate. But I would make sure that I'm not stressed out coming into school before anything ever starts. That made for a difficult transition that I think could have been eased if I knew not to worry so much.


To begin with, if I could go back in time, i would advice myself to enroll in a Dual Enrollment Program, so i'd be done with my Associate Degree before i start collge. More importantly, i would say to my high school senior self that this will greatly prepare me for college by taking college classes before hand, knowing what it feels like to be a college student and also the experience. In Addition, it would also improve my chances of getting into better university and also scholarship offers. Another Advice, would be, to seek out more schloarships to help pay for college and also better paid internships to help with working experience. I would also advice, going for tutoring programs to help prepare well for the ACT and SAT to get a better score, in order to qualify for Full Tuition Scholarships and State Grants. Also, i would recommend to myself as a high school senior to put on a more positive outlook on life, and get ready to study hard for Colllege. In conclusion, these advice, as i would say to myself as a high school senior would be to follow them Incessantly or without any doubts.


I would advise myself to think about what career I would like to take because it is a huge decision. I would tell myself that college is not like high school and you have to apply and study hard; grades and attendance count heavily at college. I would encourage myself to get involved sooner and take advantage of trips, clubs, and workshops offered by the college for little or no fee. Lastly, I would tell myself to enjoy every minute of college, even the stressful ones, because college life beats the real world any day!


I'd tell myself: "Honey, don't worry. Life gets better, you meet extraordinary. Times get tough, but they also improve and you create something each day which makes you proud in the culinary institute. You're well on the way to your dreams. You encounter people who command your respect every moment at school and the cohort you get to advance with understands and treasures you, as you do them. Your worries over mathematics and analysis are unfounded, allow yourself to be surprised by the grades you'll receive and the events you'll be called to participate in. Your concerns with cooking-- being a perfectionist-- are just. You'll have bad days and good days. Struggles and success. But the chefs who teach you are far more understanding than you will ever fathom. Yes, even Chef Yeatman." "Be yourself and don't be afraid to shine and be loud and charming around everyone, they exchange their smiles for your heart. The homework requires dedication and effort, and sometimes 3AM mornings, but every ounce of it is worth it! It pays off and it is reflected in your grades." "You will do phenomenal, do not worry."


The first thing I would advice myself if I could go back, would be to have school as a priority in life. Sometimes we start to work and think that is our priority. We think the money we are making is good enough without thinking in the long ruin. The second most important advice would be to manage time wisely. If you are not able to manage your time you might be wasting precious time. We always think we have all the time in the world, but you never know what might happen in the future. Why leave it off for later when you can do it now. Enjoy every moment of college, but always remember to stay focus in your goals and dreams. Those are the once that will help you achieve everything you want in life.