Knowing what I know now as a mature man, I would tell my high school self that life does not end up how we plan it. I would strongly encourage myself to go to a vocational school as I am attending now, 7 years later. I would prepare myself on how life is going to be not having that go to mom that I highly depended on. I would tell myself to graduate in time so that my mom could see this accomplishment before she passes away. Life is more than just going out and having fun with my friends, if I tell myself to dedicate more time on my studies I can be studying at Cal Berkeley instead of Heald College, Fresno. But not to take away anything from what I’ve said, I would like myself to experience what I did. Not to sound cliché, but all that I went through helped me shape me out to the man I am today.
If I could go back in time an talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to manage my time well. When attending multiple classes at the same time, it is best to devote time to every subject in order to keep your grade scores high. I would also tell myself to look at bad test scores as a learning experience and look over what was wrong, so you don't make the same mistakes twice. It is better to learn from a bad test score than to pass every single test and not learn anything at the end of the semester. I would also tell my old self to prepare and invest time in study groups, since working in a group with multiple minds helps you improve on your assisgnments and test results. Finally, I would have told my old self to attend college at a younger age, since it is very challenging to not only work full time, but attend college fulltime and support a family while attending school.
To stay focused and prepared throughout all the courses, never give up and keep you eye on the main goal of graduating with grades and achievements you will be proud to look back on. The transition may be hard at first but its amazing to see the amount of other students that are going to through the same thing. It gets easier and you really learn how to stretch yourself as tests are now so much more than memorizing but rather applying your knowledge to your intended major.
I would advise myself that it is very necessary to bring together study groups with friends in review for tests. The information that bounces back and forth is amazing, as they have picked up on points that I may have completely forgotten, or thought of as unnecessary. Before I knew it, many of my friends' ideas were on the test the next day, making me incredibly grateful we had collaborated.
I would equally emphasize the importance of making friends, of keeping in touch with them and doing things with them. If you focus on just your subjects too much, trying to do it on your own, you can only achieve so much. But doing things together with your friends, from going out to eat to just hanging out and chatting, it both enriches your character and gives you more fulfilling day, a more wholesome mindset. Many times I have had experiences with others even help me in my tests, earning me extra credit from our extra-cirricular activities together.
Never underestimate the power of friends in your social, emotional and academic life. They also make every day more bearable, and randomly offer invaluable inspiration, which really helps.
Naking the tranisition from high school to college is a difficult time. College professors do not care if you show up for class, or if there are circumstances in your life that make it difficult to complete the four-hours of homework you are facing after a long day of work, making dinner for a family, or doing homework with your children. They expect the assignments they have given to be done no matter what. Going to college immediately after high school is a wise decision because you do not have other stress factors in your life. Make the best of the situations that you face. Remember that how you handle yourself in college will determine how you handle yourself in your future career choices and in life. This is a time of both maturity and growth that will mold your future.
College has helped me grow as a person. I was far enough away from home so that I could spend extra time on my studies. I have created bonds with my classmates and instructors that will benefit me in the years to come. Had I not attended college, I would still be working at a local fast food restaurant with no hope of ever succeeding in life.
I have never met any professors so willing to help and teach with great enthusiasm. The tutoring center is open long hours and help is always available. I commend this school on their willingness to help anyone succeed at what they want to accomplish. I really love attending this college. My resources are out-numbered and my ability to further advance is great. This college really goes out of it's way to be green with food preperation and healthy eating. The campus life is wonderful, the library is stunning, classrooms are of efficent size and I love this College.
College is helping me to adjust to being an adult, because my professors in my major give hard assignments and not a lot of time to do them and this helps us realized that in the real world someone will say i need this entire project yesterday and expect you to have it done. I feel that I will be more prepared for demanding jobs after I get out of college and that the large amounts of work tied together with short deadlines won't be much of a shock.
I am currently enrolled, but have not started yet. From the few days I was required to be there I learned that College will change a person. I noticed that when the student graduates, he/she acts more mature.
Being older, world experianced and a single mother I believe what I have gotten out of this school is more valuable than most. I have always been interested in technology and going to college at Penn Tech I feel I have gotten the opportunity to fulfill my interests. Now attending college is more rewarding because its just not a party place as most students would atest but I am learning what I need to make a career for my son and I. I value my time here now more than when I attempted to go right out of high school. This experience is much more respected now and can not wait to finish with my degree.