I would tell myself that I should not stress myself out becuase it is not as difficult as everyone says. I would also encourage myself to pick a school that would be more of a challenge.
I would say, "you were right, If I apply myself , I can make an impact on society"! I am proud of my accomplishments thus far and look out because Laneice is no where finished, in fact, I am just getting started. This is not the end of my education journey, but rather the bginning of the rest of my life!
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have stressed the importance of academics and getting good grades in high school. Because, one thing I found out after graduating, was that if your grades aren't good, it becomes very hard to get accepted to good colleges. For me, It became very frustarating getting accepted into the Art
Department of a College with a scholarship, but not being able to recieve that scholarship due to my high school transcript. So, I believe If I would have paid more attention to how imoprtant school was then, I probably wouldn't have had as many regrets as I do today. So, I have made different choices in college, to turn my past experiences around, and concentrate primarily on my academics, than irrelevant things such as parties, and just hanging-out with friends.
I would advise myself to stay focused in my last year of high school and to save as much money as you can before you go to college. I would also tell myself that the major i chose is an excellent major for me and not to worry about that choice.
Make sure you visit the college you are interesed in. You will know that it is the right school for you once you have been on campus and have seen around. Make sure you study and have fun too. Be social and get involved with activities around campus.
To pick a school that you will feel comfortable living in and a school that meets with your interests of what you want to study.
First, do research on any and all possible schools. Make a chart of the positives and negatives for each school. Then I think you must visit the schools, tour the facilities, meet faculty and students. I believe that a person can feel which school is best for them once they have visited. Upon getting to college you will have to be an active participant and get involved. Much of what you get out of your college experience is based on what you put into your college experience. For most people they only have one college experience, so make the most of it!
I believe if a student is looking to major in a particular field, do the research. Also, if at all possible have the student do some job shadowing which might help the student decide on a major. Then look into a school (possibly your in-state college, to keep costs low) which is reputable and if going into the health field, accredited.
A smaller school will offer better student/teacher interactions. However, a larger school may offer much more opportunties for the student , ie.. student groups.
All in all, the student has to feel comfortable in their surroundings in order to succeed. Visiting the campus is also most helpful.
Research, reasearch, research!
Take a tour of the college. See what kind of activites and fun things there are for the student to get into. Ta;lk to people who go to or have graduated from the college you are considering. Its a big decision, live it up and make the best of it.
Find a college that fits your lifestyle, budget, career goals, and social wants. Don't just pick a school for the looks or prestige, pick a school that you know you can succeed at, and that makes you feel comfortable.