Pennsylvania College of Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pennsylvania College of Technology know before they start?


Make sure you look at multiple colleges. Your first choice may not always be the best. Dont just look at the acidemics of a school but, look at the soical life.


Take advantage of everything your school has to offer


visit the schools, even stay a weekend, talk to teachers as well as students. see what else is going on in the town or city the college is located in


Pennsylvania College Of Technology is a school that is perfect for kids and parents who dont have a social life. You will spend most of your time doing work and very little extracurricular activities. The school is Penn State University affiliated and the sports teams compete in the PSUAC conference and just recently joined the USCAA which allows them to compete for National Championships. Most of the teams are very good and compete for titles almost every year. As for dining around campus there are several different options on campus as well as plenty of off campus places to dine. Overall the food is good but paying with cash on campus can be sort of expensive. A meal plan is mandatory if you live on campus and on campus. On campus housing is kind of hard to get because most of the students live on campus. What you may find surprising though is that mostly everyone who lives on campus tend to keep to themselves. It takes more than a few people to make the campus exciting and enjoyable. Pennsylvania College Of Technology is in my opinion is a good place to start college and then transfer to other instituions.


Housing is the most diffcult aspect of this school. Because the school really only offer's "suites" (instead of traditional dormatories) the local "student housing" landlords base their rates on school rates, and its extremely expensive. You'd be better of living a little farther from school (South Williamsport) and communting 5 minutes than being taken advantage of by local landlords. You'll find most rates to be around $650/mo per student.


I would definitely tell parents and students alike that they should start searching for colleges as soon as they can. Finding the right college can make all the difference, not only financially, but academically as well. To make most of their college experience students should make friends with as many people as they can and not judge someone by how they look or act. Having friends at college is one of the best things a person can have. By being involved in various activities, people can make friends and enjoy what the college has to offer.


Just find the school with a program that appeals to you, and go there. If it seems bad at first, it gets better. Also, definitely try to have a job. Do NOT go home on weekends. Stick it out and find stuff to do.


Check out each school, make sure it is what you want and the class room setting is how you will feel comfortable. Make sure they have adequate support services and tutoring available.


Advice I would give to parents/students is to look at as many colleges as you can and pick the one you truely like the most. In the end sometimes the first school you pick isn't aways the best even if you may think it is. Also, choose a college that truely fits what you are looking for in life, not just one because all of your friends are goin there or its really close to home. Sometimes being away, making new friends, and dealing with a new environment all together can be one of the greatest times of your life.


My advice is something that many people would probably overlook. My advice would be to look at the boy to girl ratio of the college you are interested in. I made the mistake to not check that and I am regretting it now. My school is mostly a male campus and I get harrassed a lot. If you are a girl entering college, you want to focus on academics, not where you can or can't walk on campus. Parents also should look at this, since they want their child to be safe. My advice for making the most out of the college experience is to socialize and be active in organizations on campus. I think it makes your time in college go by faster and easier. It also helps when you are stressed out because you can turn to close friends for help.