A great aspect I have noticed is the Schweitzer Institute. The students involved in community service at Q.U. do not fit the stereotype.
The best thing about Quinnipiac is the campus and the health sciences major. I would change the rate of admissions into the business school. The size of the school is good, its just right. People usually say good for you. When my room mates aren't in the room, my room, other wise I will go and hang out with friends. We are on the outskirts of Hamden. When T-Pain came to the spring concert, he was drunk and trying to take girls back to his hotel, it was so stupid, because he can't sing, it goes through a computer. The cafe, how much chartwells rips us off!
Quinnipiac is picturesque, if you want to feel like you're on a college campus this is the right place for you. The best thing about the Q is probably the people you'll meet. It's really easy to meet people, and also to find people who are similar to you. Your experience is going to be what you make it to be (where ever you go). If I could change one thing about Quinnipiac It'd have to be the girl to guy ratio. Being a female we out number the guys by a large number. Quinnipiac is a good size, I see a lot of familiar faces everyday, yet I also meet at least one new person every few days. In the early months of fall, and mid April I spend most of my time outside on the quad (Where mostly everyone is) because there is not a better place on campus to be. You have the beautiful sight of the Sleepy Giant, and you're boxed in by the Universities beautiful buildings. In the winter the biggest scene is the TD BANK NORTH hockey arena. Hockey is HUGE! If you're really involved in politics, and being involved in protesting is something you're into, Quinnipiac isn't the place for you. I wish overall that Quinnipiac would become more apathetic. You wont know until you come see the campus for yourself that the Q is the place you'll want to spend the best four years of your life at, and a place you'll eventually refer to as home.
This school is the perfect size and the grounds are mantained beautifully. Every effort is made to assure that everything about this campus appears to be wonderful to visitors. Alot of the time I feel like the manicured trees, lawns, and high tech equiptment are used to lure in perspective students, but do not necessarily benefit the students who go here. The addition of more students to the campus than the school can actually accomodate is a growing problem. While I admit that this school is growing in leaps and bounds (with the completion of new dorm buildings, expansion of the cafeteria, and the new York Hill campus), QU's eyes may have been bigger than its stomach so to speak. It is a nice place to live and the dorms are better than most I have ever seen on a college campus. There is a type of housing for every kind of student. One of my favorite things about Quinnipiac is when the weather gets nice at the end of the semester it is common to see students reading and hanging out of the quad and others playing wiffle ball and frisbee.
The school does not seem to invest money in its own current students. To outsiders and even ourselves, they seem to care about being a money-making machine. The school builds a sports complex that is their pride and joy - but there is barely an art room for art students. This is very annoying. They do not seem to care that students are forced to live off campus and annoy the suburban families with their partying ways. No, Quinnipiac puts its money into making itself look better to the outside, and not to its students. It also gives VERY LITTLE financial aid. Unless you are a stellar athlete, expect to get nothing and take out tons of loans. How does this school expect to increase its alumni endowment if it is having students pay loans for the rest of their lives? This, again, is one of the most frustrating things about the school.
the adjuncts here are amazing. These professors actually work in the real world, so they know what it's like to be in school and have a job. Take one of them - it is worth your tuition payments.
Every time I tell people i go to school here, i have to explain to people that i am not slutty, easy or stupid. i feel like i have to justify my college education to others. i like quinnipiac because it is small and i have a lot of friends that i can see often. the environment is fun and has the right amount of schoolwork mixed with a good time. quinnipiac's administration seems very distanced from the student body and there has been some issues concerning the campus newspaper's right to report and controls put on it by the administration.
The best thing about Quinnipiac is its amazing campus, great academics, and professors who get to know you, the person. You are not a number at this school.
One thing I would change about Quinnipiac is the housing situation. While the dorms are nice, they are a bit overcrowded. I think the size of the university is perfect -- but a few extra dorms would be great.
I'm an alum of the university, so when I tell people that I went to Quinnipiac, they immediately think of the polling institute and the School of Communications, which is great, because I work in the media. People also know it as a great school for physical therapy and health sciences.
The best thing about Quinnipiac, which I remember even as a graduate, is the personal connection you have with your professors (I still keep in touch with some of them). I love that. Also, the ability to get involved so quickly. One of my fondest memories is producing and anchoring the news every Wednesday night on the campus TV station. All my friends were involved, and the show was entirely student-produced. What a great experience -- and we learned a lot, too!
Our school has been accepting too many students so there is an overpopulation with a lack of student housing. We are getting more popular through our sports teams and our new TD Bank North Arena for Basketball and Ice Hockey. The library is always full and parking sucks. May Weekend was the best, while it lasted.
The best thing about Quinnipiac is the that I get a sense that professors here genuinely care about the success of students. I have had professors who have responded to late-night emails minutes after I have sent them regarding homework that is due. They do not mind making themselves available for questions outside of the classroom, and that ranks very highly in my book.
The school size is just where it needs to be. We're a close community. It is not guaranteed that a student will know everyone on campus, but after living here for almost a year, I have come to know a good range of students spanning from freshman to seniors.
The first thing people ask me when I tell them that I go to Quinnipiac is, "How do you say that again, Quinni what?" Then the next question almost always is where is the school because I have never heard of it.
I did not have a problem with Quinnipiac's administration until a few days ago. I have trouble figuring out why they would base the order of selecting housing on whether or not you took courses for college credit back in high school. One thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other. Not that I would've turned back the hands of time and taken a course for credit, but not disclosing this information until a few weeks before it is time to register is stupid.
School pride is only found on campus through visible wearing of the school's clothing, or through students attending the Men's Hockey games, outside of that, school spirit is not existent to me. The only other way to get students to come support teams is to giveaway something.
One experience I will always remember is definitely the weekend of this past Easter. There were only 4 people on my side of the hallway from Thursday night until Sunday evening. We ended up calling it the "I Am Legend Weekend" because we almost felt like Will Smith did in that movie, all alone and no form of civilization around. But we made the best of it. We became so desperate for entertainment that we watched Season 1 of the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers DVD. Not quite what I had anticipated when the weekend began, but ideas were coming up short.
I can't begin to explain what the best things about Quinnipiac are, because there are more than one. Right now, the best thing would have to be our new arena, the TD Banknorth Sportscenter. It's a great facility that hosts games for our Division I Mens & Womens Ice Hockey and Basketball teams!
One thing I would change abut Quinnipiac it would be that we should be encouraged to buy MAC computers, instead of the encouraged Dell Latitude program.
QU is just the right size for me. It's not huge where you have classes in huge ampitheater seating with 300 other people, and it's not too small where everyone knows your business. I went to a small all girl private school with a graduating class of 140, and there was a student body of a little under 600. Quinnipiac has about 5,600 undergraduate students. It's great to go to class and have the professor know my name and not my social security number. Professors here actually care about how you're doing in the class and are very willing to help you if you're having a problem.
When I tell people I go to Quinnipiac, most of the time they ask me to repeat the name again. Some people have never heard of it at all, so they have no presumptions about who you are. For those that do know about QU, they usually think you're wealthy, preppy, drive a nice car and are conceded; but once they get to know you, they'll find quite the contrary. If you tell an adult about QU, they know it by the Quinnipiac Poll that's done for upcoming elections.
On Campus, during the week, everyone is hustling and bustling heading to classes, going to the AMAZING library to do some work there, the student center to get a bite from the Cafe Q, send out some mail, hang out in the game room upstairs or even head over to the athletics center to use they gym, go to a yoga, dance or pilates class or if it's a nice sunny day, hang outside on the quad.
Hamden, the town where QU is located, is a college town. Yale, SCSU and some other universities are close by. in town there is a shopping center, and there are plenty of restaurants. There are also shuttles to New Haven which take you to the Train station, which can take you to either up north like Boston, or down to New York City. Also, on the weekends, shuttles do take students to the downtown area which has several clubs that students attend. And the best thing about the shuttles is that they are FREE!
There is Plenty of school pride here at QU, that's why we're (the students) are known as the Crazy Bobcats! Men's Ice Hockey is definetly the most popular sport to attend on campus, especially because of the new facility. We have Division I teams that do very well in the NEC and ECAC Hockey.
One experience I'll always remember is my freshman orientation. It was an amazing weekend, and made my transition from high school to QU so much easier. We created strong bonds with eachother, and it made it so easy to meet people.
The thing most students complain about is parking. there is on campus parking, but there are also 2 lots off campus that are a 3 minute shuttle ride away. Freshman also dont like that they cannot have their cars until their sophomore year.