Quinnipiac University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Quinnipiac University?

Is Quinnipiac University a good school?

What is Quinnipiac University known for?


The size of the school is good. I like the smaller class sizes because you can always get help during class if needed. I spend most of my time in my room, the cafe, and the library. The recent controversy on campus is weather or not to have may weekend again. May weekend is usually the last weekend before finals where everyone romes around drunk.


the campus is a great size, sometimes it feels like its getting smaller and smaller but it's nice to see familar faces.


I'm an admissions counsler so part of my job is to advertise the school is a positive light. Everything that I say outside the facts is absolutly true. I've throughly enjoyed my four years here, I became part of a great community that helped me develop into the person I am today.


I think that the size of Quinnipiac is just right. I spend most of my time on campus in the dorms or out on the quad.


I think our school is really great. I have meet such amazing people here and I would not change it for the world. I think our school is perfect size. I think that sometimes I would like to know were all this money is going that we pay to go here, and maybe change up the food a litlte it is always the same thing. Overall everyone that works here is very nice and friendly. I will always remember the friends I have meet and the great times we have had.


The best thing about Quinnipiac is the beautiful campus. I think our school is a great size, its not too small or too big, you still feel like you know people but not everyone. When i tell people i go to Quinnipiac they usually comment on how pretty our campus is and it is a good school. The biggest recent controversy was over getting rid of May Weekend... a lot of stupid kids wrote racist comments on walls and just did very immature things, which a lot of guys at Quinnipiac are like. We have some school pride, but we dont have a football team or really great basketball team. The good thing is that we have hockey and a great new facility which is awesome.


The best thing about Quinnipiac is the closeness of the students. It is good to see familiar faces when you are walkind down dorm road or in the cafe. When people hear that I go to Quinnipiac they think that I am very smart but am spoiled because they assume I am very rich. The biggest controversy on campus is that of diversity. There have been hate crimes as many other campuses do but it was not handled in the best manner. Some students believe that Quinnipiac administration should have had a stricter punishment for those who had committed the crime.


I love our campus, its one of the best I have seen while looking for schools. Its kind of small, not that diverse. I would love for QU to get a pool so that we can create another team and more study work jobs. At first i hated it here the people are really into themselves and drinking but after joining greek life it is so much better. i dont like how the school handled the racial slurrs done in the beginning of the year


The best thing about Quinnipiac is the campus. This is one of the most beautifully detailed campus with lots to look at. With Sleeping Giant Mountain over looking the Quad, the close-knit plan of the campus is appealing to all. With that said, it often feels like you are sometimes in a bubble when you are living on campus. You don't really have a need to go off campus so your life often revolves on the issues that happen on campus. It also has a lot to offer when it comes to student activities and clubs. I have been given so many experiences that my friends at other schools haven't been given. Then again I have made the opportunities what they are. As far as the adminstration goes, its often criticized for looking over the students' heads and thinking about the image of the university.


The best thing about Quinnipiac besides the beautiful campus is the strong sense of community. You can walk down Dorm Rd and even if you don't know the person's name you recognize them from somewhere and say hi and they are just as friendly back. If I could change one thing it would be the housing lottery. My roommates and I did not get a number this year and the system could use some revising to make it more fair. My school is the perfect size. It is big enough to not feel claustrophobic and small enough to be very friendly and close. People usually don't know what town Quinnipiac is in so I have to explain that we're about fifteen minutes outside of New Haven. I spend most of my time on campus but occasionally I go out shopping in Hamden or out to dinner in New Haven. Quinnipiac's adminstration is doing a good job of keeping small class sizes and having an excellent staff with some really amazing and helpful professors. The biggest recent controversy on campus was the racial slurs written on students doors. I know when it comes to sports there is a lot of school pride a lot of students go out the games and support the teams. I think something unusual about Quinnipiac is where it is. It is located next to a huge park so students can be active and it has a huge quad where students can hang out. Other schools I have been too were so spread out but Quinnipiac is just right and it makes a really great community. One experience I will always remember is moving in sophomore year. I am living in a great suit with my best friends so I have never been more so excited to start school. The most frequent complaints area about the lack of variety in cafeteria food and that the cafeteria closes too early.