Quinnipiac University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Quinnipiac University?

Is Quinnipiac University a good school?

What is Quinnipiac University known for?


The best thing about Quinnipiac is the campus, it is one of the prettiest in the Northern region it even beats Yale University's. If I could change on thing about QU it would be the diversity in all aspects of the campus. QU is a medium sized school not too big to get lost in and not too small you feel as if there is nothing to do. Quinnipiac's administration tries its best to help the student body 95{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the time they are sucessful and the other 5{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} the students begin to voice their opinions about what the administration has failed to do. I will always remember the experiences I have at QU because it has helped me become the person that I am and has challenged everything I thought was right or how things should be.


its nice outside


I love the atmosphere of Quinnipiac University. On a nice day it is just great to see everyone around the quad enjoying life. It is comforting and welcoming.


Poor parking situation, poor housing system. All undergraduates should have the opportunity to live on campus for a full four years, that aspect is such a huge component of the college life. Requiring so many student to life off campus doesn't help campus spirit and unity. Beautiful setting, well-kept grounds.


quinnipiac is kind of off the radar. i mean not many people know where the school is or what we are about. most people know that we do political polls, but they dont know much else.


I would have better parking available for students. I would also have less students living dorm rooms. I think the class sizes are good. When I tell people I go to Quinnipiac, one they normally mispronounce it and then the second thing is they have heard of our polls. Now that I live off campus, I spend most of my time at my apt but when I lived on campus, I was on campus most of the time. I think Hamden is a college problem in the sense that you have all things any college student could need on one street and providing shuttles to other locations in order to meet their needs, e.g. the movies or taraget. The biggest constroversy on campus was the racial slurs written on the dorm doors. Yes, I think Quinnipiac as school pride, but we need to sport female sports better. I would say the unusal thing about Quinnipiac is that we are right across from a state park, I don't think most college campus have that. An experience I will always remember is joining Phi Sig, and getting my little, a girl who becoming friends and sisters with has made my college experience so much better. Most frequent complaints is too many kids in a dorm room, no parking, and maybe later hours to get food on campus.


the best thing about quinnipiac is the campus. if i had to change anything i would add more parking lots to the campus so that students can park on campus.


there has been racial problems .. racial slurs written which just isnt cool. def needs more diversity.people say that we dont care about anything, however thats not true. look at the 112,000 we just raised at relay for life. town life is ok around here. there are good bars and its always fun to go into new haven.


Most people don't know where or what Quinnipiac is


The best thing about Quinnipiac is the small classes with individual attention. I would change the fact that its in my hometown. Quinnipiac is way too expensive. A lot of school pride when it comes to sports, especially hockey.