Go somewhere that you immediately feel apart of. Look into your major you want to succeed in and see if they have an appopriate course for what you want to do. Get involved as soon as possible and attend every orientation and freshman activity.
You must know somebody who has allready went there, go to explore as many colleges as possible and work for the best grades you can while in high school
When selecting the right college, one of the first things to consider would of course be tuition rates. Of course this answer is going to be different for every family, so make sure you invest some serious time and research into this step. Don't let this be the only deciding factor, though, because every school offers different amounts of financial aid. Another important decision is school size. Do you want to attend a 2- year or 4- year university? Also, if you have already decided a major, this may affect your decision because your initial first choice based on tuition or size may not offer your major.
Students, once you and your parents have decided what college you are going to attend, take some time to enjoy your choice! This is probably the biggest decision you've made to date, let everyone know how you feel! Once you get to school, it will be tempting to go crazy and not focus on school work, but..resist this urge. The educational benefits will pay off in the long run. College is the best time of your life! Soak in all the new knowlege each and every day.
Go to all available orientations, and get involved with an organization whether it be Greek sorority or fraternity, sports team or working on campus!
The main thing to remember is that everyone is different. Some people know exactly from the moment they enroll is a secondary institution what they will be. Most people don't. For those of the latter, I say to you this: take your time. College is an expensive choice and should not be used to fill a gap in your life. I say to you "Want to go to college!" because if you simply show up with no direction, you will end up lost and confused, not to mention a couple thousand dollars in debt. You will end up like me. I was lost for a year but I was enrolled. On the one hand I found out that I loved atmospheric phenomenon while attending and enrolled in what I feel is a very impressive Physics Program. However, for a year I felt like I did not know what I was doing and my grades suffered. I felt like I was wasting money. So, please, consider your time, what you are truely passionate about and above all, is college right for you right NOW. Colleges will always be around for you.
make sure you tour the campus and the town. rowan unversity has its ups and downs but i love coming back every year.
Make sure you visit all the colleges you are interested in, regardless of distance. Make sure you can afford the school, and that the student uderstands his percentage of the payment. Make sure the school offers the programs and education you are looking for. Make sure the surrounding area is something you are comfortable with, try to meet some of the students and ask them directly what they think of the school. Check out all the different activities, clubs, sports, etc. that the school offers and make sure it coensides with your needs.
look at the surrounding community
The right college has to be the right fit for you. The size, location, how close it is to home, what there is to do, and what the other students are like is just as important as their academic programs and the price. Once you find the right fit your college experience can be the best.
The college experience is a great one. The best advice I can give about finding the right college is to visit any school you are even slightly interested in. Sometimes when you get to a school you thought you would love, you hate everything about it. Also, don't be focused on the "name" of the school. Sometimes the schools that do not have the division I football team or the IV league reputation, will fit your personality and goals. Also, remember to not put so much pressure on finding the exact right school for you on your first try. Many high school students are only eighteen when they are searching for schools and they can make mistakes. Transfering is always an option and many times a tremendous learning experience.
To be sucessful in school, manage your time! You can easily get into the habit of going out every night and skipping a class here and there, just do not lose focus of why you are there... education! Most importantly have fun and try new things. College is a time for growing and most campuses have wonderful opportunities to learn knew and exciting things, so take advantage of your school!