Rowan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Rowan University know before they start?


Dont settle. Go where you want to go and where you feel will make you feel good, the rest should fall into place. Better to be lost but happy then lost and miserable.


Allow your children to choose the school they think is best for them. If you choose wrong you will never hear the end of it!


For parents, I would encourage them to believe in their children and let them choose their own paths. Let them know they can choose wherever they want to go for whatever they want to do. Don't limit them. I would talk it over with your children about what restrictions there may be (distance, money, etc..) so they do not go beyond what is available to them For students, I would highly encourage you to stay overnight on your prospective campus before deciding on it. You never really know what college is like until you've been there for the nightlife. Definitely experience all that you can - sit in on classes, try the food, go to the library, talk to other students, visit the gym. Make sure you are totally comfortable with the school and its surrounding area. Make every attempt to make friends, too! Be outgoing as a freshman and get involved right away. If you let too much pass you by too early, you will wind up disliking college before it's even started.


Definitely visit lots of schools


Look for colleges that have strong programs in what you want to do with your life. How much you pay for doesn't really matter. It's all going to be worth it in the end.


To find the college that is best for you, you have to visit many colleges. I suggest saving all literature from each college and bring a notebook to jot down notes about what you like and don't like about the school as well as what questions you still have about the school. Going to the school is important, becuase you can usually get a good feel by visiting whether it's your type of school or not. Once you're in college, I suggest getting involved in various extracurricular activities. The trick is to balance these activities with school work. It might not be easy, but it certainly isn't impossible. Any activity in which you can show any sort of leadership skills or service to the community is well worth while and can open up many doors in your personal and professional life.


Look at as many schools as it takes until you find the perfect fit for you, don't settle. Once you find the right school and you are settled in get involved. Find a club or organization that interests you or play some intramural sports. Make sure you make enough time for everything, time management is very important. Plan time for studying, recreation/workingout, and social time with friends.


In order to truly pick the right college and create the best college experience, you truly have to rank what is important to you. Start with the program you want and look at schools that offer it. Look towards the ones with the highest retention ratings and most job placement ratings. Next separate the schools by region or size, depending which is more important. Do this for a couple of schools and visit them. I can not express the importance of visiting a school enough. Physically take in the school and listen carefully on a tour; you may find out some pointers that are not listed on the school's webpage. It is a bit overwhelming at first, but if you break up the vast options into tiny pieces, the work becomes fun and defining of yourself. Good luck.


Go visit the school and decide from there, start really early and go see the classes and professors makes sure they have what you want.


My advice to those searching for the right college to fit them is be patient and take your time. The college that is right for you will just fill that you fit into place along with everything on campus. Do not be deterred or discouraged if you have been to many colleges already; when you find it, you will know it is the right school for you. Oncve you find the right college, enjoy every experience you have over the years. Do not just bury your heads in books...yes it is great to study, but allow yourself to get out there and make some friends and join some clubs or organization. Allowing yourself this freedom will give you a balanced life of work and socializing. Balance is definitely one of the keys to a successful college experience.