Rowan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Rowan University know before they start?


From a social aspect, I've met the friends that I will remain friends with for the rest of my life. We've all graduated and live in different parts of the nation or even world, but we still keep in touch frequently and plan to get together as often as possible. From an acedemic standpoint, it's hard for me to look back and imagine going to school for a different major. Knowing what I know now about science and about the world, has instilled in me with a sense of confidence and knowledge which I'm not sure is conveyed as adequately in other programs. Not surprisingly, Rowan also has some of the best doctors and professors of science in New Jersey, and I was lucky to learn from them. Finally, Rowan succeeded completely in affording me the opportunity to learn in a diverse environment made up of my peers and rivals.


Throughout my college experience, I feel I have learned a lot about life. I have learned that unlike high school, grades must be earned and that hard work is the only way to receive them. I have met people from various different backgrounds who I otherwise may have never encountered. I have become more knowledgeable about what is really going on in the world and became unblinded from the ignorance of my youth. I have learned how money plays a detrimental role and how stressful not having money can become. Overall what I have learned is ultimately what everyone needs to become successful in the world. It is valuable to attend college because through all the stress, happiness, and negativity, teenagers begin to step out into the real world and learn that everything is not as easy as it seems. It has been valuable to me because I have found that I must learn to become responsible and continue to be determined in all my aspirations.


When I first began my formal education at Rowan University, career planning had been opened up to my life. Although I wasted no time in furthering my studies in geography, I soon began to forsee a bright future based on a specific career choice which, for the first time in life, I am able to stick with. In part, the dedication to my career choice is apart of my "growing up." However, this form of public service has the chief obective of keeping communities safer by aiding police units with spatial analysis in a criminal investigation. My college years, thus far, have been a time to sharpening my communication skills. The ability to work in groups, to establish common ground on a number of concrete issues, and to collaborate ideas and impliment club objectives plays an integral role in my success with others. This ability is one of endless subtle benefits a college education can provide for you as long as you let it. Rowan is far from an IV League. However, the college experience is all about what you make of it. When I applied myself this mindset, I soon began to forsee a bright future.


I've learned the way in which one can balance a life of social activities, academics, and personal meditation. I've learned how to be me.



I have gotten the experience i need to value my education and also life. College is a life changing experience that everyone needs to experience. Throughout the rest of my college academic career i will love my school and always keep education my main priority throughout my life.


I was always a go-getter and self-starter. Independance is my middle name. Attending college (during my tenure, Rowan was known as Glassboro State College) made me realize that I was not the responsible person I thought I was. I didn't know how to choose the classes I needed. Thank goodness I had a wonderful advisor, Dr.Nichols, who was able to shape my classes to achieve my future goals. I was a nontraditional student, older than most, a single parent and on welfare. I was able to skip a semester because of life experiences and was eligible for financial aid. I learned what responsibility meant while attending Rowan and through work study, I had a chance to work in the field of my future. I truly believe that if I had not attended Rowan, I would still be a single mother on welfare. I got my confidence and self worth back. I WAS SOMEBODY! I excelled in my classes. I tutored others. I no longer blamed my situation on my child and my relationship with her got much better. Rowan allowed me to mature not only into a valuable member of society,but also an employable one.


I gained a lot of independence from my experience. The school made it possible to completely take care of myself and be on my own. Rowan provides students with a sense of security without infringing on freedom and encourages students to create a life for themselves and follow their own paths. There are no pressures to fit a certain mold or be a certain way and that was really helpful to me in my time there. It seems as if they know that this is the time when students are really shaping their lives and they help that happen. Aside from providing a sound and well rounded education, Rowan prepares its students for real life and I think that really adds value to the services they provide.


Since attending Rowan University I have gained many lifelong skills. Such skills include time-management, conflict resolution, responsiblity, networking, acceptance rather than tolerance, patience, and how to prioritize. Overall, I feel as though I have truly learned to grow up. There are no parents telling you to go to class or to come home at a certain time. However, with great freedom comes great responsibility and I am glad that I have been able to learn many things on my own. I watched many former friends get caught up with the "fun” aspect of school, spiral downwards, and forget why it is that they are attending college. I have also benefited from learning how to network while attending Rowan University. I have joined multiple clubs, organizations, and even gotten a job on campus. I have met and befriended people who I never would have thought I would. I have enjoyed taking classes geared towards my major which prove to me that I am going down the right path. Overall I have gained a sense of self from my college experience and I cannot wait to see what the next three years hold.


Through the experience I have gained at Rowan University, my artisic talent has drastically improved . My professors have encourged me to go beyond the norm with every piece i have worked on. I have been introuduced to an assortment of new materials, mediums, and techniques. As a result, my skills and passion for Art continues to flourish. The value found in attending this University can not be expressed in mere words.