Finding the right college is very difficult especially if you are unsure of what you want to do with the rest of your life. It is very expensive to switch schools so make sure when you pick a college to go to you are one hundred percent certain that's where you want to me. College is a great experience and definately the best learning experience of my life.
Study and pay attention and don't forget to participate in every class.
Your college experience is what you make it. Appearances are not everything. Get up, get out, and start learning how you can become an active member of your campus community.
As a senior, I have attended four schools. I have transferred three times and I offer one bit of advice to parents and students. Parents, help your kids decide but do not decide for them. Students, you need to decide for yourself. You cannot go to a college because your friends are going there or just because you like their mascot. You need to look at the size of the classes, where you will be living, the quality of the food, how far the stores are, you need to make sure they have a good orientation program so that you do not feel lost. You also need to check out the majors your school offers. Even if you have no idea what you want to do, evenutally you will, and you need to have options.. Take your time and do not rush your decision.
My advice would be to explore your options and discover what it is that you or your child truely wants (i.e. class size, atmostphere.) Talk to faculty and staff as well as current students to help you make the decision of whether or not the school is right for you or your child. Also, look into finacial aid options because there are tons of opportunities for everyone to get some kind of aid, regardless of race, class, or gender.
Make a list of what you want your college or your child's college to include. Research university's that fit the list the best. Be sure to visit colleges you are interested in. I know when I visited some colleges I knew right away I did not want to attend that school. Once selecting a college it is important to learn time management. Overall, make sure you have fun too!
The advice I would give is no regrets. My first choice for college was too expensive to go to since I did not get a scholarship. I used to regret not working hard enough in high school so I could have gotten that scholarship. But the choice I made to going to Rowan university was the best decision I ever made. I made so many new friends, joined a fraternity, played club soccer, got involved in two clubs and am so far enjoying every minute of. Living with regrets only hold you back from reaching your full potential. If you want to make the best of your college experience, just be yourself and have fun. You need to know school comes first and play after.
Decide for yourself. Don't worry it is natural to be nervous. The first year will always be hard, a part of you will always miss home. Parents don't be overbearing. Students don't forget about your parents they love you very much. Make good choices. Students- its ok to party once in awhile its usually unaviodable in college-life but keep your mind on your work. Focus! Get involved with your university and make the best of your college years (parents- let your kids grow up and enjoy the fact that they aren't completely grown up; they still need you.)
When you're in college, do not get caught up in everything around you. Have fun as much as you can, but do not forget what you are there for. You want to learn as much as you can and build your resume as great as you can to ensure a good job and life afterwards.
VISIT COLLEGES! It is the best way to best know what kind of school you or your children will be attending. If you have older friends who attend there plan an overnite visit to get the "inside scoop."