Saint Joseph’s University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Joseph’s University know before they start?


College differs from high school not because it takes up all your time but the opposite because you have so much free time. College courses are of course a bit more difficult but then again you’re smarter than you were high school. The real difference is the responsibility to manage your time, complete your work, and go to class. No one’s going to ring a bell and tell you it’s time to move to your next class, no one’s going to shame you into completing all your work or even make you attend class, it’s all up to you. That’s not to say college is hard but it is very different and it takes getting used to. Stay positive, plan ahead, set time aside for having fun and making friends.


If I could give my high school senior advice, I'd first tell myself to motivate myself more and manage my time better. Getting a head start on managing time would be beneficial in transitioning into college. I'd also tell myself to choose a different college as the price is too much to be honest. I never divulged too much into college searching so I'd be sure to tell my past self to really search more and to not stop at the first decent place. Another thing I'd tell me is to not be worried so much. Finally, I'd tell my senior self to just get my license already and to stop wasting time as now I'm gonna have to take the permit test again (going out-of-state definitely did not help the license situation). Overall, I'd tell myself to prepare more and to somehow motivate myself!


The advice I would give my senior high school self would be to accumulate as many assets and awards as possible. For example, one thing I regret was not taking both the SAT and ACT examination. Instead, I took the SAT examination and two subject tests. I have learned that, taking both the standard college examinations would have given me more financial aid from my university. In addition ,I would advise myself to accumulate as many scholarships as I could during the summer break before college. During the summer, I remember attempting to apply for scholarships and becoming disheartened when I did not win some scholarships. From what I have learned now, it is important to obtain to work hard on the scholarships when you have the time and to make someone examine your work before submitting the scholarships. Finally, the last piece of advice I would give myself would be to allow good people to come to you instead of blindly looking for friends. Allowing people to come to you allows you to analyse each person to see if they are a good influence on you. I have made college friends that have come to me through academic activities.


The piece of advice I wish I could have given myself prior to starting college is that it is okay to ask for help. There are many programs out there to help you succeed, but only if you personally take advantage of them. My first semester, in Calculus II I was challenged by infinite sequences but reluctant to get help. I felt like not understanding a concept in a lower-level course (relative to a math major) undermined my entire future plan, which was a bit of an overreaction to say the least. In the end, I went to see a student tutor, and it was incredibly helpful. Furthermore, the professors at Saint Joe’s really want to not only help you in their subject but get to know you as well. I wish I could have told myself not to be afraid to use office hours. I’ve benefitted in more ways than just gaining a better understanding of class materials. Whether it was a discussion about planning a double major, advice about opportunities to study abroad, or a walking away with a book to borrow, they are an invaluable resource, and truly want to see you succeed.


Live in every moment and look for the good in everyone and everything. College is tough, it is easy to judge people off the bat and is easy to get down on yourself. Before every new situation, take a deep breathe, and hope for the best even when you are the most skeptical. If you keep a negative outlook and assume the worst on your expeirences in college it will in the end hinder the moment when looking back on it. Everyone is afraid to try new things, but going into it with a smile and positive attitude can cause you to enjoy the stressful and challenging parts of college. Lastly, you will are ever evolving and learning about yourself, do things you would never do in high school, challenge yourself, continue to surprise yourself by doing things completely outside of your comfort zone.


Dear Emma,As you decorated your freshman dorm room with pictures of your high school friends, posters, and quotes, hang up one more thing – a piece of paper that says, “Everything happens for a reason”. As cliché as that may sound, those words will guide you the next four years. Whatever happens, trust that something greater will come of it. It will be a journey filled with highs and lows, but as you know from running, the exhilarating downhills cannot exit without the challenging uphills. The lessons gained from the battles you will fight will show you your strength and build you into a woman fueled by passion and determination. Most lessons you have to experience to truly learn, but so you have faith in this sign on your wall, I will give you this. At cross-country training camp, you will develop a femoral stress fracture and will not run cross-country. Although you will worry that your coach will regret recruiting you, it is at this low point that your relentless cross training will become a story of triumph. This unfortunately will not be your only injury, but like I said, everything happens for a reason – just believe.


The very first thing I would tell my past self about the college process is to listen to everything the people around you are suggesting to you, but do not forget what is important to you. The decision is such an important one and it is a decision you are making for yourself and your future, so listen to what everyone has to say but stay true to what you believe in and what you want. Additionally, I would tell myself that once you get to college, before anything else make sure you be yourself. Meeting new people is inevitable at college and the best way to do so is by simply being yourself. Likewise, I would also recommend being friendly to others. Making connections at school can be much more than a social activity, it can also be extremely beneficial, when it comes to quesitons about class, getting notes, or having classmates to just get lunch with establishing good relationships is key. Having good people around you can help the transition from living at home and going to high school to living away at your university much less stressful. Lastly, I would suggest getting involved in activities of interest.


Do not be afraid to ask a billion questions about colleges when visiting. Realize that college is the first step to your future, not just another phase in your life that you HAVE to go through, so make sure you want to go where it is you choose to go, and that you are willing to pay back all that you will owe. Don't be afraid to be different, because often times the most diverse people are the most fun and interesting. Don't be shy, and don't care about what others may think. Realize that person in your life that will always be there for you, and never forget that they are there to catch you. Do not tie yourself down to one group of friends. Put your school work ahead of your social life, at least once in a while, because you are paying for the education more so than the memories and the friends. Try new things, and don't be afriad to go to bed early! College is exciting and offers so much freedom, so make sure to take in all the experiences while maintaining responsibility for yourself.


first friends are not only friends


Be your self. Work hard. It's not the smartest person that always does the best, but the person who works the hardest. Hard work pays off. Trust yourself and stay true to your beliefs. Stand up for what you think is right. Have fun and be loyal to your friends and family. These are the people who will have your back and will be there for you. Be thankful for what you have in your life. Live the Magis!