It is important to visit and school and take a tour, but not too rely only on the tour. It is nice to sit down and see how students interact when they aren't being paid to take you around.
Stay overnight! Sit in on classes! Sometimes you just know though.
study hard, join a team, enoy life
just be yourself and take advantage of all your oppurtunities
The best advice I can give to students is follow your hearts. When you walk onto a campus for a visit you will just know it is the right one for you and if it is, be happy that you've found the place you belong and make sure you do whatever it takes to get there. Once you are there, get involved. I cannot stress how important it is to be involved. Being involved is how and where you will meet your lifelong friends and those friends will make your college experience the greatest of your life and one you will forever remember. Parents, the best advice I can give to you is support your child is wherever or whatever he or she may want to do.or beI. f he or she changes their mind a million times then let them and support them no matter what they decide on for the time being or their future. Your support means more than you may think to your child. When you see them happy, smile and realize you are a part of the reason for their happiness.
The right college is all about fit. You don't need to go to the school with the best reputation, best program, best location, best activities, or whatever. You need to go to the school that comes in with a little bit of each of those. And whatever school you school, the way to get the most out of it is by putting a lot into it. You can be happy anywhere and succeed anywhere provided you take the time to throw yourself into making friends, studying hard, and getting involved.
Take your time looking and when you find what fits right you will know it. Good Luck!!
Choosing a college for yourself or a loved one is not a simple process, all who have been through it will say the same. My best bit of advice comes from an admissions advisor at a school other than the one I chose, she told her tour group: this school is great, but its not right for everyone. Choosing a college is not a blanket decision for every student, many factors go into it. Choose the school that is best for YOU. Don't go because it is the best ranked school, the one with the best sports team, or even the one with the best food or dorms; go because you love that school, because you feel at home there are you know that you can belong there. Parents: I understand it is tough to let your kids go, I saw my parents worried about me and are again as my brother looks at schools this year, but have a little faith in your kids, they can do it, and will get more out of the experience if they do it on their own. Students: enjoy this time - it may be stressful but it's all certainly worth it!
I would recommend looking at as many different colleges as possible before application time. When you've narrowed down your list, revist some of the schools you liked. They may seem different the second time you see them. Arrange for an overnight stay with a student. Grab random students on campus and ask them questions - they're more honest than the tour guides. Spend as much time as you can looking at a school to get a feel for it.
When you get to college, make an effort to establish a social life at your school. Don't spend so much time keeping in touch with high school friends that you miss out on meeting new people. Try to meet people in a variety of places, not just your dorm. You'll wind up with a better variety of friends that way. Don't feel like you HAVE to pledge a fraternity or sorority. You can still have an amazing social life sans Greek. Try new things. College is about broadening your horizons.