Saint Joseph’s University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Joseph’s University know before they start?


Always do the work on time and/or ahead of time. No procrastination.


College life is exploring yourself and going beyond limits.


Selecting a college is a tricky thing. The ultimate goal is to be successful in your classes, graduate and find a great career that you will love. On the other hand, there are the college experiences outside the classroom that are just as important. The trick is to find the balance of the academic and social aspects of a perspective college that best fit you. The one thing you do not want to do is select a college just because your friends are going there. Selecting a college should be a personal choice in which you think it will produce the best results in both the academic and social areas. Do not worry about the money situation too much. Whether it is community college or an Ivy League university, the end results are primarily the same. The key is to apply for anything and everything possible to help you achieve your goal such as academic scholarships, sport scholarships, grants, and loans. Where there is a will there is a way.


You really need to look for the right fit for you according to what you like to do in your spare time, what kinds of values you have, and where you would like to see yourself in the future. Finding the right school takes time, and sometimes it helps to look for schools outside of your comfort zone, like schools in other states or schools that have larger price tags. You should apply to the schools that call your attention regardless of wether or not you think they are out of your league or out of your price range. The important thing is to get accepted to the schools that call your attention and then take it from there. Talk to your parents, counselors, and of course the school's representatives. Visit the school. If you can envision yourself walking through the campus for the next four years of your life then you have found the right one.


Focus on finding a school that feels like home that has a lot of options. Do not go solely to a school because it has the best program for your field because you may change your mind once you get there.


As a rising-senior in my undergraduate career looking ahead to further studies, I have begun reflecting upon the process of applying to college and the ensuing choices that result from college experience. The best advice I could give would be to focus on the institution?s size location, and community. Size is important in terms of student-professor ratios along with overall student population. The location is vital in terms of both geographical and sociological terms. This draws into question matching the student?s personality with the personality of the institution/surrounding community. Additionally, the makeup of the school?s student population is important. Both the majority population and the minority populations should be noted. The experience of college will be different for each individual. From personal experiences I have found that many of the most involved individuals I know gave themselves some time to adjust to their surroundings before becoming involved. This time frame depends again on the individual, but I would suggest at least one semester of simply discovering what is offered by an institution before committing to specific organizations. Overall, a student must realize that periods of adjustments will govern most of their college existence.


Finding the right college does not have to involve balancing tuition costs or measuring distance from home; instead, it should involve the impressions one gets from campus visits and interraction with current students. Once attending the college where hopefully one felt most comfortable, becoming a representative of your school becomes of utmost importance, from academic efforts, to performance at part-time jobs, and dedication to extra-curricular activities.


Find a school that is an economic and academic possibilty and never underestimate the power of a tour or overnight visit. Ask planty of questions, better to know ssooner than later. COllege is what you make it, go some place that offers an abundance of the things you like to do and the rest will fall into place. Depite what people say, may think, one's social life is a huge part of college seeing as though we dont spend that much time in the classroom relative to outside of the classroom. Go somewhere that fits in with you, as opposed to trying to fit it with it.


visit as many schools as possible. and when the student finds a college where they feel like they belong, parents should try their best to have their child end up at that school.


I would advise people applying to college and trying to figure out which is the best choice for them to stay over at the school. You may have a great experiance and "feel" for the school just by visiting during the day for a tour. When you walk around and ask your tour guide questions, everything may seem wonderful, from what the school offers, academics, campus life, etc. Do not base your decision solely on this. If you think a particular college is the right choice, stay over a night at the school and get a real idea of how the social aspect of the school is. The most important thing in college is to be happy, and even if everything else is going great, having a good social life and feeling accepted is the most important.