Do research and realyy be sure that the college you choose is what you want and is not influenced by other people
Really take time to evaluate what means the most to you. College is the best time of your life, never settle if it was nto in your goals. College is also what you make of it. Get involved, meet people, join clubs, and be proud... this is your future and your DREAM.
Regardless of your choice, go with an open mind and positive attitude.
Be involved! Be active! Have fun during college while you learn--sleep later in life.
Make sure soon to be students understand the distance of the school from home, financial cost, the importance of school size and class size, location (city vs. country), check what people do on the weekends (people may go home a lot, it could be a bar school). Look at the types of people at the school and see if you'd fit in somewhere. See what the job placement is post graduation. Check into the safety of the school, housing options, and meal plans. See if there are campus job opportunities.
If you go on tours or speak with an advisor that is great. However, talk to some students around campus or find someone you know who attends the school. If you trust them, they will give you a better idea.
Its about the feel of the campus, can you imagine yourself there. Do the things you liked outway the things you didn't like? Are looking to party and get an easy degree or do you ready to focus on your future. When I picked St. Joe's, I knew that I would do well here, based on the students I met with their enthusiasm for SJU and their friendliness. I knew the classes would be a challenge but that I'd still be able to have a social life. My parents felt the same way, and thats why I tell parents to not be naive about what the son/daughter is looking for in the college experience. Its up to them to make the right and safe choices.
I woudl encourage people to purposefully step out of their safety zone. College is all about finding yourself. You can't do that if you never experience new things. Let go of your opinions and be open to those of others, yes, including teachers. Try to get involved on campus in a club or organzation; it is the best way to get to know people. Introduce yourself to everyone on your floor the first day you move in; they are just as nervous as you are.
It is at the utmost importance for the graduating class of 2013 to pick the school that fits the best for you and your life. FInancial aid, location, other people's opinions should not be the primary reason for your choice. If you are deciding between two schools, I implore you to play out this scenario: In twenty years, would I like to say that I am a graduate of this college or university? If your answer is yes, then you have found your school. If you have the luxury of having many schools that give you an astounding yes, then you move to the other reasons for attending and ask for help. I plead for this upincoming class to stop for a minute in the haze of college choices and listen to their hearts, as in it holds the true answer to the next four years of their life.
Trust your instincts.