My advice for my self as a senior in high school would be, trust in your self. I think the hardest thing i have delt with was to take the first step in obtaining my college degree in Nursing. I was afraid and did not feel I had what it takes to be a college student. To compound to my fear, I had four children and a fulltime job. I see how important it is to have a college degree and if I was single and had no children, I would finish school quicker and have less stress. life is only as complicate as we make it. The less responsibilities you have the easy it is to accomplish your goals. Also, do not regret the choices you make and never settle for less.
Dear Senior Clarke, I know you're going through alot right now, but you need to keep your head in the game. With Mom gone, you have every more reason to push hard and set a good example for the little girls. Dont slack off anymore, follow your dreams and push yourself so you dont end up in classes with no rellevance to you. Take is seriously, you wont get these days back and they're the ones that determine where you'll be next year. Keep your grades up in school so you can keep those schools that are looking at you, train your butt off in track so you can accept one of those offers coming twoards you. Dont listen to what anyone else is saying, Mom would want you to graduate and finish strong.
If I could go back in time and give myself any piece of advice as a senior in high school relating to the transition to college life, I would tell myself to listen and learn from the experience of all the people around me who had recently made the transition into college life. Specifically, my older brother, who at the time was a senior in college, would have been able to provide great examples of situations that I would soon find myself in. For example, a roommate conflict may have been much simpler to resolve and less intense had I genuinely listened to the things my brother told me before I entered college. So, if I had to do it all again, I would ask my brother for any interesting and possibly negative situations he found himself in and how he was able to grind through them so easily.
Hello Self. First off, pay attention in Honors Calculus. I realize it's second semester of your Senior Year and you already are in National Honors Society and on the executive board of a host of other programs. Yet, you'll need this basic understanding to help you in college calculus, which is a lot harder. That brings me to my main point. Don't slack off. Again, I realize that sounds like a corny cliche that is way overused by your mother, but you're going to need to learn good study habits now. Because not only is college life unbelievably more difficult on the academic level, you also have to deal with not being home to take care of everything all the time and no time alone to do homework like at home. There will constantly be people to distract you and home to worry about, taking away from work. Without learning efficient study habits now, you will do very poorly. Being away from home is more problamatic then you would imagine. You can't be spending time that you could be studying on worrying about the health and care of your parents. Be motivated now. Love, Self.
Going to college was always a must as far as my parents were concerned so I thought my college experience would be strictly about learning and taking classes; however, once I began to attend my university I learned more outside the classsroom than in the classroom. I learned ultimately how to be a responsible young adult who can take care of business and accomplish thier goals. At St. Joesph's Univeristy, I have to balance classes, homework, campus activities, volunteeering, and personal affairs. This is extrememly important in building a prosperous future.
Attending Saint Joseph's University has been an extremely rewarding experience. As a psychology major I have taken many classes which have challenged me and furthered my love for psychology. Saint Joe's also requires students to take courses in philsophy and theology, which has been a great oppurtunity. I have been able to take a pottery class in order to fulfill an art/ literature requirement, which was a great experience. Being at Saint Joseph's has taught me what I am capable of. I now know that I can stay up for a trememndous amount of hours studying and ace an exam which I thought would be the death of me. I also can now make a plate which is perfectly centered (almost) thanks to my four credits in pottery. I know that I have so much ahead of me and so many things to look forward to. I am excited for the two years that I have left at Saint Joe's and plan to take advantage of all of the oppurtinuties I have there!
Through my college experience, I have developed mental toughness. I came into college expecting to work hard and party hard; I thought I would be happy because St. Joe's was my top choice school. After the first week of classes, I began to feel like I did not belong at St. Joe's- I had no friends and I was simply unhappy. I constantly thought about transferring. After several months internal conflict, I came to a realization that I am at St. Joe's because it has a strong business program and I feel the academic setting is beneficial to my future. My education is my top priority and I am willing to sacrifice temporary happiness for a brighter career path.
My classes have been great; I have learned many things and have been introduced to different subject areas. I have learned not only in the classroom, but also through community service. One of Saint Joseph's taglines is "Not for Spectators." Saint Joe's students are very involved in reaching out to the community and sharing what we have with the world. Through service, I have learned about how others live in the Philadelphia area.
I absolutely love where I go to school. I enjoy my classes and teachers. Like everyone else, classes are not easy but they are managable.
College has given me the ability to gain a sense of independence. I would say that I have learned the majority of this outside of the classroom. Having played Varsity Women's Lacrosse for three years I found that I could not attend a job interview and speak about much else besides lacrosse. Although I learned several life skills including leadership, teamwork and dedication I knew there were other things on campus I wanted to become a part of. That is why I made the decision to leave the team senior year so that I could pursue an internship (which my campus does a fairly good job hosting networking events and career fairs) so that I could better prepare myself for life after college. Attending college changes you as an individual so that you begin to recognize what your true interests in life are. It is a complete growing experience and one which I know has helped me become better in tune with myself. From classroom work to group projects to clubs and activities I have been exposed to new friends, a new sense of motivation and a drive to succeed in all future endeavors.
When I was a little Uzbeki girl my mother sold all of her jewelry to send my older sister to college, so I thought that attending college would never be possible for me, and it became an unreacheble dream. I worked hard day and night to save up money to come to America and go to school to achieve my dream of becoming a psychologist. I met my husband here... he told me about community college, and that it was affordable. Attending community college wasn't the prestigious experience I had in mind, but when FAFSA supplied me with money to cover my full tuition and I finally completed my first semester of classes, I felt a sense of accomplishment and confidence that I never imagined possible. The teachers were actually fantastic and the classrooms were lovely and high-tech. After just a few semesters of study I have become a part of the Phi Theta Kappa Honers society - an incredible reward for all of my hard work. I have now taken many fascinating psychology classes, and have even begun doing community service through the honors society, my life and self-perception is forever changed!