Salisbury University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Salisbury University know before they start?


The student should be the making the actual decision. They should make the decision on the college they prefer not the one that is most affordable or that they are a legacy at. Parents should be completely removed from the decision process becasue they are not the ones that have to attend the school, and their lifestyles will be affected.


Be careful when living off campus with roommates you do not know. Enroll in the school that makes you feel the most comfortable.


I would stress to check out every single aspect of the school. Don't just look around at the campus, actively engage your university host with probing questions which get to why they picked the school and what their experiences have been like. Go to the commons and have lunch or dinner, take a seat on a bench and just watch the campus activity for a few minutes, sit in on a class that seems interesting, but most importantly, pay attention to the things that matter the most to you. To make the most of the college experience it's simple, GET INVOLVED! When you're involved, you meet people and you grow as an individual. When you aren't, you get bored, your grades slip or you lose touch with yourself--and that's not a good thing ever, but absolutely not in college. Have fun, lots of it, but be able to balance that fun with your schoolwork so you don't fall behind. If you're not involved, you can't do any of this. It keeps you level-headed and on track and gives you something to aspire for. That's what college is about.


Finding the right college isn't as difficult as it sounds. First, make a list of what you think is most important in a college, rate each item by what you could and couldn't live with. Visit the colleges you are most interested in and make sure you rate each college according to the list you made. Make notes about what you did and didn?t like about the environment, the people and other information you received. Once you?ve selected a college it is your job to make it the best experience possible. Be open to new experiences, talk to everyone, and become involved in clubs or sports so you can meet people that are interested in the same things as you are. You cannot sit around and wait for things to happen to you, you must make them happen. Make sure you have fun! Enjoy what you?re doing, and realize that if you don?t end up liking the school you chose, you can transfer to another school. If you keep your list and are honest with yourself about your opinion of each school, you should be able to find the school that fits you best.


You can't just tell parents and potential students how they should pick a college to attend -- they must feel what is right! The best parents can do is communicate what is important in life and at the same time, understand what is important to their young student. Parents should not force their children to attend a college they think is right for them, but communicate together in researching possible candidates. Instead of trying to persuade their children into attending a specific college, it would prove more successful to talk with their student about what they have learned about them throughout their recent years in high school and what atmosphere, academic prestige, location, size, etc. they think may work for them. Above all, parents should let their children know that they will support them in their decision and want them make a final decision independently. Allowing their child to make a decision by their self, the student will feel responsible in making a confident, smart and sane decision. I advise students to think smart and listen to their parents' advice. No matter how much a student weighs the pros and cons, the right decision will be made from the heart.


Do your campus visits on a weekday in the middle of the semester, if possible. Visiting on weekends or over the summer doesn't give you a realistic view of how the campus operates day-to-day.


When deciding which college is best for your student and for you as a student be sure to visit the campus. A tour can be informative but be sure to meet an actual student or group of students who can give you a "real" look into campus life, involvement, class structure; etc. You won't be able to truly grasp the atmosphere of the university, otherwise. Being highly knowledgable in every aspect of the college is the best way to make the right choice about which insitution suits your personality, learning style, social preferences, and amount of desired involvement in extracurriculars. Some univeristies are more focused on athletics while others stress academics. Make a checklist of things you would like to have at your dream college and see which institution most closely relates to that list.


For future college students I would advise you to follow your dreams. Don?t choose a college based on where your friends are going. Investigate as many colleges as possible. Talk to current students at the college. Don?t let your parents choose for you, but let them be involved. This is probably the first time away from your parents and they only want the best for you. Understand that they need to be a part of this new journey you are about to take. For parents of future college students I would advise you to listen to your young adults reasons for his or her college choice. If you will be the main financial contributor to his or her education communicate the tuition limit. The student and parent need to work together to decide what will be the best college choice. Make a list together of the academic and extra-curricular activities the prospective colleges offer, and rank them. The most important part of choosing a college is ensuring it will be the best fit and this can only be accomplished through research and communication between parent and student.


Know what you want to do with your life and tour all of the colleges beforehand. twice. Try to know as much about the program your getting into and how the school goes about teaching it. Have fun!


Make sure you actualy visit the school and understand the schools circulum. Also talk to some of the students around the campus to see how they like the school. Get invovled with student activities, you'll be surprised how many people you can get connected with. You can find some people who might share the same major as you or even have class with you.