If I went back to talk to myself in high school there is very little I would tell myself. Despite the constant feuding with my roommate, I really wouldn't tell myself to live with someone else. If I didn't live with my current roommate, I'm afraid I wouldn't have met the people I'm friends with today, so living with a troublesome roommate is balanced out with hopefully life-long friends. The one thing I would tell myself to do would be add another class to my schedule. Being an incoming freshman, I signed up for the recommended four classes, but one of those classes was gym. Because of how easy the class was, I believe I could have easily taken on a fifth class without any problems. I've enjoyed where I've ended up in college, and I wouldn't change most of what I've done for anything.
To keep working hard and it will pay off. Don' t worry too much about the application process (very stressful/ self esteem killer) and it will all work out. To not worry too much about fitting in, making friends and having fun, that everything will work out, you will adjust, and everything will be ok.
College is the beginning to your future. It is a time where you need to learn how to prioritize and deal with you environment. It is a total change from high school. You need to stay on track with all your assignment and turn them in the second they are due. If you fail to do this then you get no credit and there is no chance that you can change the professors mind. In college you need the first semester to develop study habits. Without these study habits, college will be a struggle. Majority of your grade in a class depends on tests. Be sure to make time for your new friends that you will meet, however make sure you keep up with all your school work. If you stay on campus without any parents and a couple hundred students in your very same shoes, it will be hard to keep yourself on track. All you have to remember is that you are there because you are creating your future.
Pick where you want to go, since you are the person who is going there. Stay the night on a weekend, and also go to a class or two during the week. This will show you what campus is really like on the weekends, and will give you a feel for how the classes are organized. Not all schools have the same teaching style. Don't let the size of a campus freak you out either. Large schools are not always the best.
When you do finally decide where you are going make friends at orientation or any events leading up to move in day. The more you meet before, the less akward move day and the first week of classes will be. When classes start try to keep in mind it is the first day of classes for everyone and for many their first college class. talk to them, make friends in class.
The more people you know the better. People in your class may be able to give you help or notes if you are sick or do not fully understand. Plus this will help with giving you more options for things to do on the weekends.
I would consider myself a very well rounded person. As a senior in high school I graduated with a 3.75 GPA, was involved in numerous school programs, participated in three Varsity sports, had two jobs and had many different groups of friends. My high school career was very successful. I worked very hard all throughout highschool, however I must admit that I did not put as much effort into my senior year. I think I was more worried about makin memories than making my senior year count. Today as a college freshman I can honestly say that I was prepared for my college experience but I could have been prepared alot more. Living out on my own and paying for all of my own expenses has been the hardest thing I have ever had to do. If I could go back I would tell mayself to apply for a million more scholarships and find all the help I can get. I applied for thirty and only recieved six of them. I am determined to suceed in life but making my dreams a reality would be much easier if I had more financial support.
Save more money ahead of time. Apply for more scholarships. Become active on campus immediately. Don't hesitate to contact professors. Use avaiable resources like the library and computer labs.
College is a growing experience. A chance to start over even. My favorite high school teacher told me that "college is the last time in life you get a re-do; a chance to wipe the slate clean." Knowing that now, and being in college, I would tell my high school self to plan. Planning when you want classes to be, and when the work for said classes will get done. Don't plan on classes being life, plan on classes flowing with life. Even the best and brightest college student will be able to tell you what friends he hung out with last friday night. You may think that by not planning now and waiting until the deadline to do schoolwork will work, but it won't when you have all four of your classes wanting that paper done in three days, and three of them have tests tomorrow too. Planning is the key to my college success. Without planning when I need to study, and knowing my own habits towards time consumption, my GPA would be considerably lower, and I would have lost any school grants for tution I aquired. Planning is the key to a new start.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior in order to give me advice about college, I would tell myself about my experiences. My exerience so far during college has been quite ideal; I believe I have found a good balance between managing my life well athletically, socially, and academically. I would tell myself the success I have had with cross-country and encourage myslf to persue that sport. I would also tell myself how well I am doing in class too, just to reasure myself to not have to worry so much. I believe the main advice I would tell myself is to not be afraid or worried about college and affirm that everything to look forward to in the near future are all good experiences. I believe giving myself confidence in the choices I made is the best advice that I could give to myself in that situation
I would have definitely pushed myself alot more in my senior year. My mind set was to only finish high school with the basic requirements needed for graduation and not focused enough on my next step in life which was college. I should have took the AP classes, did the internships, and spent more time volunteering. I would have been a more well rounded person, exposed to more instead of now starting from scratch in college. The help was there and it was free, I should have made the best of it.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would make many different decisions. First, I would take more AP classes to help my standings in getting more scholarships. Also, I would get involved in more clubs because that would have helped me with my standings. Second, I woud make sure I applied for more scholarships to help my parents put me through school so they were not struggling like they are today. Third, I would have gone straight to Salisbury instead of doing two years at a commuinty college because now I am doing five years of college instead of four. But other then that I feel like I did a great job in high school. I kept my grades up and worked very hard in all of my classes. I was a well liked student with all my teachers and had many friends who encouraged me to do good in life. Also I played soccer through out high school and that was a great experience to help my amazing high school years.