The advice I would give myself if I were back in high school is to have more confidence in myself and my abilities. I have done well academically, but my first semester I had very high anxiety under the stress of high expectations, this has changed since but I wasted a lot of time being stressed out. Also I’d definitely stress taking more risks in order to be happy. I gave up the sport of volleyball just so I’d be more focused on nursing but I realize now that playing volleyball would have been a good choice because there is time for it and it’s great for social reasons, and emotional and physical health. I think the greatest advice I would give myself is make decisions and do things for yourself and your future, not for other people. It is great to do nice things for other people but it is not right to make life changing decisions based on others in your life at a young age. Also don’t get good grades for the purpose of impressing your parents or anyone else because that only lasts for so long, do it for yourself.
After experiencing the transition from high school to college there are a few things I would love to go back and tell myself in high school. First would be to become more familiar with the techniques and amount of time needed to study for an exam. It would have been beneficial and less stressful during the first semester. To go along with study techniques, another piece of advice would be to challenge myself more. If I took honors or advanced placement classes I would have been able to experience the increased amount of study time and it would have provided me with college credits while still attending high school. Those college credits would have gotten me one step closer to earning my degree in a shorter period of time. Finally, the last bit of advice would be to enjoy the time I had there. Now that I am a sophomore in college I realize how quickly time went by. I would tell myself to cherish the moments and friendships made along with having few responsibilities. The biggest transition from high school to college is living on your own and growing up so quickly.
There are a lot of things which I would change. Assuming I could go back to my days as a high school senior, one of the first things I would do would be to apply for every single scholarship I could, as well as to help in my community more. Being just a college freshman really allowed me to realize the struggle and resourcefulness that college students have to possess, when put under a great deal of financial pressure. Applying myself to many scholarships, as well as being an active member in my hometown, would not only benefit the community by helping, but prove to be a great factor in numerous scholarships and even contribute to future specific job applications that could prove to be very helpful.
If I could go back in time I definitely would work harder. Coming to college I had no idea how hard the class were going to be, and I wish I was more prepared for them. If I took the time last year to study more and work harder I feel as if this transition would not have been so drastic. The transition was harder than it needed to be, and I really do regret not takng my senior year seriously.
If I had access to a time machine that would allow me to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have so many warnings for myself. I would look myself in the eye and, very seriously, tell myself to reconsider the decision to jump straight into a University setting after high school. "The University setting is much more overwhelming then it initially seems. It is nothing like the duel enrollment classes at the community college. You will fail your classes if you jump straight in now." That is the harsh truth that I learned, that I wish I could have known then. I would also warn myself against being too proud to seek help. "Instead of saying, "I will figure it out," if you don't understand something, find a tutor. There is nothing wrong with asking for help." These little bits of insight from myself would have made a huge difference in my academic carreer then.
The advice I would give myself is to never "slack off" and always stay organized and manage your time properly. It is very important that you never miss a deadline or lose something because of your social life. College can very demanding at times whether it be school work, friends, or extra curricular activities. I would also share that it is important that you become very involved on campus as early as possible, you can meet people you never thought you would be friends with and you will be given chances that you would normally never take.
I would basically advise on getting good grades in high school in order to get into a good college and to receive a good scholarship!
I'd tell myself that the transition is a little bumpy but we will get through it. I'd tell myself to brace myself for the transition that will become the rest of our lives, to brace myself for the education that I long for, to brace myself to one of the biggest steps for becoming an adult. Ever since grade school, we have been having our hand held but now it's time to walk on our own two feet into the world by ourselves. It's a scary transition but well worth it, not only for ourselves but also for the other people we will soon be helping. The most important thing i'd tell myself is college isn't an investment for just myself, but for others who need my help.
If given the opportunity to travel back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, a tantalizing proposition I might add, I would have so much to say; entirely too much to fit in to 200 words. I must first say this: the college life is amazing. There is not much that can beat it. The friends you make and the things you experience culminate into the best time of your life. After explaining this I would then urge myself to seriously consider colleges out of the area in which I live. I would tell myself to go out and experience everything; go to a big college, go everywhere and do EVERYTHING. I would say this with utmost confidence, not that I am unsatisfied with my college experience because that is certainly not the case. I have experienced many wonderful things with many great people so far, but I am still left wanting more. I would say to myself, just get out there and experience life, because the transition and whatever else will surely take care of itself.
Even if I had the option, I wouldn't tell myself what to do. I would let things go exactly how they went this first time around, because I think I've done a pretty good job. So far I've managed to find just the balance that I want between schoolwork, my social life, jobs, clubs, and everything else that goes into my life at Salisbury. Even better than that, I found a true family there that I never expected to find. I would tell my scared former high school self to relax a little and trust that I know what's best for me! I have made the right choices so far, and I knew what I was doing much more than I thought I did.