Salisbury University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Salisbury University know before they start?


While choosing an institution not only should the parent and student take tours of the school but the student should take overnnight visits of the institutions because just tours of campuses are very broad and you do not get a true sense of what the school is really like.


Find a college that has the right number of students, either a lot or not a lot. Do not go very far from home your first year.


Do not sell yourself short. I also find it depressing that money was the only thing that held me back from going to my dream school, even with a 15000 dollar scholarship I was still unable to attend University of Colorado, Boulder and had to go to a lesser qualified school for my major. Good education can come from many schools, but good education and sense of belonging to an institution is a relationship that you must develop.


Theys hould go with their student's choice first. A lot of times it looks as if the parent's allow themselves to make all of the choices for the child, which often time leaves the child feeling used and abused. I mean, when they look back at it, they will feel like they went to this college, or they participated in this major because my parents chose it for me. If the child is able to put forth their own thinking into what college they want to go to, then they will either ultimately love that college or learn from their mistakes, and attend another college of their choice. Making the most of the college experience means to do something unique and not the same like every other student. There are various ways to succeed in college, and I believe that those ways do not have to center around just drinking alcohol or doing this thing to achieve. Once you develop your own plan of achievement, then I know that the student will feel as if they have done something to achieve that was very much different from other students that are in their school or in the class.


spend much time as you can. Don't stop at one that you like, try to look and visit as you can.


You need to look at the size and loacation when picking out a school. It is very important to feel as comfortable as possible in the place you will be living for the next four years. Make sure the number of students attending isn't too overwhelming or too much like high school. Be very open minded with all the people you will meet and things you will experience because it is the only way to learn and grow from your college life.


The 'right' college, is one that isn't where you go for a social life. You'll develop one no matter where you attend college at. Choose a college that has what you want to do with your life, and if your un-sure of that go to a community college until you do know what you wish to do. Just remember parents that chosing what you want to do with the rest of your life at the age of 17-18 years of age is a HUGE thing. Remember to be patient and don't judge them for what they wish to do. They still have a lot of growing up to do, let them do it that way they don't waste time in college and don't waste your money by not doing well in school. Future college students; the major(s), the minor, even the college you pick can be changed whenever you feel like it. And the best part no parent permission needed. Just include them in your decision even if you really don't want to.


Try to get as involved with oncampus activities as possible


It is very important to start early to allow yourself enough time to visit the schools of interest. Also, make sure to take advantage of the scholarship and grants that your high school supplies as well as online sources. Once you pick the college that fits you best, get involved! It could be anything from Best Buddies, club sports, to varsity sports. You'll meet a lot more people and be able to take pride in your campus in a different way as well as make a difference in the community in some ways. Concentrate on your schoolwork and never let your social life interfere. You can most certaintly balance your academics and a great social life as long as you have your priorities in order. Never be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Most of all, no matter what university you attend, college is what YOU make of it. Have fun and prepare for a great future!


Have your child stay at the school for a weekend or so with friends or even shadow someone in the course that they want to major i so they can see the teachers and the kind of day they would have within their major.