Savannah State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Savannah State University know before they start?


Go to a school and pay for the education you want. Dont settle.


Visit campus, complete all forms early and make copies of everything!!


Do not follow your friends, follow your heart! Don't think less of the college just because the name or the location of the college. Always be yourself and open for new things and ideas!


Apply, Apply, Apply! If the school isn't accredited by Sacs, don't attend. Otherwise, transfering is always an option after core classes.


My advice to a student looking for the right college is to be considerate of himself. Do not worry about where someone else is going. Worry about himself because no one is going to go to school for him. Also, location and expenses are another issue relating to college. If driving is going to be an issue, find somewhere close to home. Do not try to attend a school if they do not provide financial aid. Be considerate of himself because he can get a good affordable education at any school. His college experience should be focused on school work and being apart of the college community. Nothing should prohibit this student from learning.


Make sure you go to a school that donot deactivate you if you fail one class and fasfa put you on academic probation.


I would definetly tell prospective students to carefully do their research when it coes to picking and choosing the school thats right for you. I would also go on to say that when your in school become involved on camous because college life is definetly what you make of it!!! the most important thing i believe about school is to pick and choose your friends carefully, because the reputation of your friends will become you reputaiton as well, beacaus it is very important on campus to keep and mantain a clean and positive reputation.


Finding the right college requires research of the universities or colleges that are interesting to you. However, you must research your personal interest with conviction to be sure that you know what you want because that will dictate where you want to go to college. In order to make the most of the college experience, you must be satisfied with your college selection. If not, you must transfer. Other techniques invovle becoming active on campus and surrounding yourself with like minded people who are going in at least one direction you are.


When looking for the "right" school brochures dont cut it. Please visit multiple campus before making a final decision. There are so many schools across the nation. Please do not limit yourself because are scared to leave home. Go see, learn, and experience new and wondrous things. You are encourage to go and Study Abroad. The world is full of surprises. Let them consume you and open you up to different views and cultures. The world is only as big as you think it is!


Always be there for your children.